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Day Walk Ideas

Day Walks: Previous club walks for:

WalkID: 1971
1 Jul (Wed) 1970: GLENBROOK (E-M) ROADS AND RAILS. Start and end at Glenbrook. Walking to Lennox Bridge, Marge and Elizabeth Lookouts, Knapsack Gully Bridge, Zig-Zag Railway. 1892 Tunnel Track, Darks Common, Bluff Lookouts then back to Glenbrook. About 6km. Limit: 12. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 3103
1 Jul (Sun) 2018: FAULCONBRIDGE (E) BIRDWOOD GULLY. Short afternoon walk with a surprising variety of vegetation. Great for beginners. Children welcome. Approximately 2 hours. A round trip from Chapman Parade starting at 1.00. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2390
1 Jul (Sat) 2000: GLENBROOK (E) This is a combined SBC and NPWS activity. Weeding at Glenbrook section of the National Park. Need to bring morning tea and lunch plus water to drink. Tools and gloves supplied. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2352
1 Jul (Fri) 2016: GLENBROOK EUROKA CLEARING-NEPEAN RIVER BANK (M) This is a combined NPWS and SBC activity. Weeding in the National Park at Euroka clearing walking down the Nepean River track removing invasive weeds from underneath cedar trees. Bring Morning Tea and Lunch plus water to drink. Will need to carry your needs for the day plus tools which are provided. Limit: 15. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2737
1 Jul (Sat) 2017: NORTH RICHMOND (M, Kayak) Paddle to Yarramundi and return, 15 plus km's. Suitable for sit on or sit in kayaks. please bring morning tea, lunch and P.F.D. Limit: 8. Map: Kurrajong.

WalkID: 3846
1 Jul (Wed) 2020: SPRINGWOOD (E, CYCLE) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills

WalkID: 3455
1 Jul (Mon) 2019: SPRINGWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HALL ( ) July General Meeting. Dr Kellie Leigh is the executive director of Science for Wildlife and she will present their work in wildlife conservation, particularly the study of Koalas in the Blue Mountains. Limit: 80. Map: .

WalkID: 2680
1 Jul (Sat) 2017: THE PAGODA MAZE (M) On the Moffit Trail near Ben Bullen, is a complex maze of pagodas to weave your way through. Great views to Pantoneys Crown and Tarpeian Rock. No tracks and some rock scrambling, but lots of fun!! Limit: 12. Map: Ben Bullen.

WalkID: 3835
1 Jul (Wed) 2020: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) A half day circuit walk: 5 km approx: The Overcliff Track and then on to Rocket Point at Wentworth Falls. The Overcliff Track has recently had a lot of work done on it by stone masons and is worth the walk just to see the difference the stonework makes. We will see the famous lookouts into the Jamison Valley, Lyrebird, Breakfast and Den Fenella to name a few. Walkers must be aware that there is a lot of steps, both down and up and your knees and calf muscles will get a good workout. Bring morning tea. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 919
2 Jul (Sat) 2011: DARKS CAVE/ FORTRESS HILL (E-M) An easy paced walk on tracks over mostly undulating terrain, (steep descent and ascent to and from Darks Cave,) excellent views of the Grose Valley and absolutely the best view of Lockley Pylon. Explore the cliff line below the summit including Gorilla and Skull Rocks, (no falls this year I hope.) Car Pooling; dry weather conditions only; alternative walk, Valley of the Waters. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2010
2 Jul (Thu) 2015: FAIRFIELD AREA (M) Bike Ride - southern Criss cross loop 5 A 5 hr circuit following 3 parallel cycle ways , bring lunch and morning tea at a Cafe , suitable for road bikes, some back streets but most on cycle ways. Limit: 8. Map: .

WalkID: 3783
2 Jul (Thu) 2020: JINKI RIDGE AND MINE (M) Just off the Bell road is a land of pagodas and an unburnt rainforest gully, with an historic coal mine. We'll explore this beautiful area and check the pagodas out on the way. Some off-track and scrambling near the mine. Limit: 6. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 4621
2 Jul (Sat) 2022: LAWSON INTRO WALK AND TALK (E) Another beautiful, 3 km morning circle walk with 5 waterfalls in South Lawson. This is all on easy tracks. See Adelina, Junction, Cataract Falls and more. On the way home, we can go down to Paradise Pool in Linden, 2km return, and the amazingly big Kings Cave which is just off the road. Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1995
2 Jul (Thu) 2015: LINDEMAN PASS (M-H) As a result of the trackwork day with NPWS, a decision was made to mark and clear this old, 1911 pass. This day is to assess and tape a section. What needs doing and where? Bring a sense of adventure, secateurs, bush saws, gloves, etc. Approx. 6-7 hours. Some steep passes in and out. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2306
2 Jul (Sat) 2016: MCLEAN PASS-MT. MCLEAN-MT. JAMISON-MT. DAVIDSON (M-H) A 50 Peaks Walk!!! Very scenic, heaps of pagodas and the pondage. A longish walk. Limit: 12. Map: Ben Bullen. Peaks bagged: 3

WalkID: 875
2 Jul (Sat) 2011: NAVSHIELD! (E-M-H-Exp, navigation training) Get your team together and start practising for the first weekend in July - Navshield is held each year in a different location, kept secret until the week before. You don't need to be an expert, this is a team event. Contact me if you are interested, can't find a team, or want more information. Limit: 20. Map: to be revealed.

WalkID: 4646
2 Jul (Sat) 2022: OBERON DAM (M) kayaking Oberon Dam and up the Fish River. Bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 12. Map: Oberon.

WalkID: 899
2 Jul (Sat) 2011: PAGODA GARDENS CANYON AND WOLGAN FALLS (M) A dry canyon, with plenty of pagodas, a few scrambles and a tight climb out. Short day, so time to check out the spectacular country around Wolgan Falls. A longish drive on Newnes Plateau; 4WD needed!!! Limit: 10. Map: Cullen Bullen.

WalkID: 3842
2 Jul (Thu) 2020: PROSPECT RESERVOIR, PROSPECT (M) Bike ride 36km 3-4hours . Mountain or road bike .Mostly shared paths, follow old aqua ducts to Guildford for morning tea.Rail line path to Fairfield some streets to Canley Vale, Join Orphan School Creek Path to Western Sydney regional Park through park back to Prospect Reservoir . No shops at reservoir bring lunch or lunch at Cricketers Arms Pub in beer garden , close to Reservoir. Meet 9:30am lower car park behind dam wall. Ride is now Full Limit: 14. Map: nil.

WalkID: 2972
2 Jul (Mon) 2018: SPRINGWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (-) July General Meeting. Brian Fox will do a presentation based on his book, "Blue Mountains Geographical Encyclopaedia". Limit: 70. Map: .

WalkID: 2741
2 Jul (Sun) 2017: SUNDAY MORNING STROLL (E) A short track among the blue gums at Winmalee - start at 9, finish before lunch. (This is NOT the Blue Gum Swamp trail, but is close by. Join us and discover a gem of a local short walk! Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 5040
2 Jul (Sun) 2023: WHALE WATCHING ROYAL NATIONAL PARK (E-M) It's whale season off the coast. Follow the coast track from Bundeena to Wattamolla, checking the many views over the ocean for potential whale sightings. No guarantee that we'll see anything except water and birds, but it's a spectacular walk anyway. All on track, car swap required. We are now leaving cars at Wattamolla. We can walk a bit further to Curracurong if people want a bit more coast. Limit: 8. Map: Royal National Park.

WalkID: 613
3 Jul (Sat) 2010: ANDERSON (E-M, Push Bike ride) A great day out on the bike. Anderson’s fire trail run’s from King’s Tableland, Wentworth Falls to Woodford via Bedford creek. Then onto the Oaks fire trail to Glenbrook. This is so well graded at the moment it’s a shame not to use it. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba, Jamison, Penrith.

WalkID: 476
3 Jul (Sat) 2010: DONKEY MOUNTAIN (M-H) This is a very steep mountain, although fairly short, about one hour; tree litter underfoot does not help a great deal and there are no established tracks, just animal pads. However, the rewards on attaining the summit crest are superb. Sensational pagodas, enchanting caves and sweeping views of the Wolgan Valley; a great day. On the return walk we shall take a detour and stroll along a narrow ledge that again provides sensational views. There is one unavoidable short rock scramble (a hand line will be provided). DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS WALK IF YOU ARE NOT USED TO CLIMBING VERY STEEP HILLS. Limit: 12. Map: Ben Bullen.

WalkID: 2009
3 Jul (Fri) 2015: EUROKA CLEARING GLENBROOK BLUE MOUNTAINS NATIONAL (E) This is a National Parks Service Activity. Weeding out at Euroka Clearing along the creek lines for moth vine and other invaders. Limit: 14. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2400
3 Jul (Sun) 2016: FAULCONBRIDGE TO WINMALEE (H-Exp, Scrub, Cliffs?) Previously cancelled but its back on again. Rainforest, waterfalls, rock outcrops and adventure can be expected on this walk just north of Springwood. From Faulconbridge Point car park we walk halfway along the fire trail to enter the bush on the spur opposite spot height 448 and then descend SE via an extensive rock outcrop and gully complex into the rainforest of Faulconbridge Creek, thence emerging onto Chapman Ridge near spot height 402. We will descend into Springwood Creek using a north facing spur and after heading about 700m downstream we will ascend a south facing spur onto Springwood Ridge. Thence an old fire trail and interesting gentle SE spur towards Blue Gum Swamp Creek and parked cars at the end of Whitecross Road. Car shuffle required Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2656
3 Jul (Mon) 2017: GENERAL MEETING (E) A presentation about the the Club's 50+ Peaks Challenge, with anecdotes, pictures of all groups, and lots of awards! Limit: 70. Map: .

WalkID: 2318
3 Jul (Sun) 2016: KATOOMBA (M) Pinnacle Abseil. Also known as Malatia Wall.Great abseil with views into Jamison Valley. 5 or 6 pitches up to 40 mts with good lunch spot half way down. Must have own gear including helmet and some abseiling experience. $5 rope fee applies. Short walk in and out. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 532
3 Jul (Sat) 2010: NAVSHIELD (E-M-H-Exp, training) Don't forget to get your team together for this year's premier navigation exercise. Last year our club did very well, winning two places. A great chance to practice your navigation, whatever level you are at. Limit: 20. Map: to be revealed.

WalkID: 4292
3 Jul (Sat) 2021: RUINED CASTLE (M) Suspended due to covid. A classic walk that has recently reopened. The walk starts on Narrow Neck and goes down the Golden Stairs. Once at the bottom the track is fairly level and follows an old railway line winding through open rain forests. A short, steep climb and a rock scramble gets you to the top of the Castle with 360 degree views. We will return the same way and finish with a steep climb back up the Golden Stairs. 8km Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3491
3 Jul (Wed) 2019: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 8. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 5007
3 Jul (Mon) 2023: SPRINGWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HALL (E) General Meeting Limit: 60. Map: .

WalkID: 3512
3 Jul (Wed) 2019: WOOODFORD (E-M) Half day walk to Lake Woodford (Woodford Dam). Return via Hazel and Edith falls and Wellesley Road. Bring morning tea. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 205
4 Jul (Sat) 2009: DISCOVERING NARROW NECK SERIES; WALK 2 (M, M) THE TRIFECTA: From the locked gate, out to Diamond Spray Falls, then Redledge Pass, through Coral Swamp and out to Castle Head. Great views, birds, banksias and heaps of history thrown in. Approx. 2kms. of off-track walking. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2679
4 Jul (Tue) 2017: EXPLORE HENRY CREEK AND ROCK ISLAND (M-H-VH-Exp) Out near the Gloworm Tunnel is wild country. Climb onto Rock Is. via Henry Creek, then check-out the N.W. Split on Rock Is. No tracks and some rock scrambling. Limit: 8. Map: Mt. Morgan.

WalkID: 593
4 Jul (Sun) 2010: GLENBROOK CREEK (E-M) From Wright St Glenbrook walk down to the Duck Hole for morning tea. Then along the Creek for several ks to The Wog Hole for lunch. Back up the ridge to cars and coffee in Glenbrook if you wish. Limit: 12. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 224
4 Jul (Sat) 2009: Govetts Leap to Evans Lookout (M, M) A slow paced walk on tracks. No, no, no, no not over the cliff top that’s too easy. Descend Govetts Leap then on to Junction Rock and back up the Horse Track. Steep descent followed by a slow stiff climb out off the valley. Bring plenty of water. Do not sign up for this walk if you are not used to climbing a long steep hill. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3824
4 Jul (Sat) 2020: KANGAROO CREEK, ROYAL NATIONAL PARK (M-H, 4) Commencing with a short train journey from Heathcote to Waterfall we start on the Uloola Track. Within 300m we swing off to pick up the headwaters of Kangaroo Creek and head downstream to Karloo Pools. This first section is on good track for approx 5km. We then find our own path of approx 4km, which could be considered as strenuous, to the pools. There is a moderately steep ascent to Heathcote station after leaving Karloo. Approximate return time to the carpark is 4.00pm. Limit: 10. Map: Appin, Port Hacking.

WalkID: 3811
4 Jul (Sat) 2020: LINDEN (E-M) Around the Twiss. A walk out to Mt Twiss and an explore of rock platforms in the area. Tracked all the way except for the rock. Limit: 10. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2077
4 Jul (Mon) 2016: MEETING Madagascar - come and find out what the club did in Madagascar last year - Thanks to Yvonne for putting together the presentation tonight.

WalkID: 3104
4 Jul (Wed) 2018: SPRINGWOOD (E) Beginner Cycle from Springwood on quiet back roads out along Chapman Parade to the end of the tar - about 14 km, no real hills Limit: 8. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 4643
4 Jul (Mon) 2022: SPRINGWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HALL (E) Another fun night to gather together at the General Meeting with your friends and meet new members and to hear about the recent activities during the last 4 weeks, including the trip to Mount Airly, Hat Hill & Kurnell Coastal walk. Brian (AKA Barney) will be presenting his biking trip through Mongolia. That'll be a hoot, no doubt! Wendy & Jessie will be providing supper. BYO vessel for a cuppa to enjoy during the meeting. Please bring a gold coin donation. Limit: 40. Map: .

WalkID: 1627
5 Jul (Sat) 2014: COX'S RIVER SWING BRIDGE (M) A leisurely paced walk on tracks. Wander firstly through farmland and then through forests dotted with large granite boulders to arrive at the swing bridge. Only one person at a time can cross this 100 metre bridge. We shall lunch a short distance further then return along the same route. 16 kl with one long hill and several short hills, phone before 7:00pm please. Limit: 12. Map: Hampton.

WalkID: 3107
5 Jul (Thu) 2018: FAULCONBRIDGE (M) Ride from Faulconbridge to Faulconbridge point on the fire trail then morning tea at Norman Lindsay Café. Need mountain bikes for the Faulconbridge point ride. Road riders could ride to the end of Chapman Parade and we could reconvene at the Café as long as the road riders don't eat all the cakes before we get there! Then work the cakes off riding back home. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 538
5 Jul (Mon) 2010: GENERAL MEETING Springwood Presbyterian Church Hall 7pm. Photography talk by Steve - Camera House Katoomba

WalkID: 3403
5 Jul (Fri) 2019: GLENBROOK (E) This is a combined activity with NPWS weeding in the National Park at Glenbrook section Need to bring morning tea and lunch plus water to for the day. Limit: 14. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 3751
5 Jul (Sun) 2020: GRAND CANYON- NEATES GLEN- EVANS LO CIRCUIT (E-M) A wonderful circuit walk on a recently refurbished track. All on track and not really difficult except for the 350 m descent/ascent (all on easy NPWS steps) - 6.5km Car swap if we get enough people, otherwise we'll walk back to the start.early start (9am at Blackheath) to avoid the post-lockdown crowds. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3823
5 Jul (Sun) 2020: INTRODUCTION WALK AND TALK NUMANTIA FALLS, FAULCON (E-M) INTRODUCTION WALK AND TALK - Prospective members: This is our introduction to the Club and safe bushwalking practices. Come on an easy-medium entry level standard walk down the Victory Track, past Clarinda Falls and then along a side track to Numantia Falls, where we will have morning tea and and do the introduction talk. Return will be the way we came. In all a 5 km walk with Rainforest and some rough sections of track. About 3.5 hours or a little more. Full members are invited to come along and will be very welcome. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood..

WalkID: 1667
5 Jul (Sat) 2014: KANANGRA WALLS (M) Explore around Kanangra Falls and lookouts, with great views into Kanangra Deep and Thurat Spires. Time permitting, we\'ll go out to First Ascent Pass and Maxwell\'s Chair. Some off-track, with scrub. Limit: 12. Map: Kanangra and Yerranderie.

WalkID: 3839
5 Jul (Sun) 2020: LINDEN RIDGE TO WOODFORD CREEK (H-Exp, Scrub, Cliffs?) Linden Observatory and fire trail towards Mt Twiss. Spot height 589 then to 14m falls via interesting heath and outcrops. Follow, or attempt to follow, downstream to junction with Woodford Creek. Ascend via spur, checking extensive north facing overhangs and rock outcrops to spot height 527 and return via fire trail. Nine crowmetres with more than half off track. 200m descent and ascent. Experienced off track walkers only. Limit: 8. Map: katoomba .

WalkID: 5043
5 Jul (Wed) 2023: LYCON PLATEAU (M-Exp) One of our favourite off-track walks. Heading away from the holiday crowds on the Lockley Pylon track we navigate our way to the Walford Wall on the southern side of the Grose Valley for fabulous views into the river and beyond. We’ll also explore the area for a future campsite. Maybe some scrub to negotiate. Bring morning tea and lunch. Helen and Terry McCann Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 923
5 Jul (Tue) 2011: MARRAMARRA NP (M) A 14km tracked walk out along Coba Ridge to Collingridge Point and return. Great views of the Hawkesbury from our lunch spot. Limit: 8. Map: Cowan.

WalkID: 1641
5 Jul (Sat) 2014: NAVSHIELD (E-M-H-Exp, off track) Find your bushwalking buddy to enter this fantastic event. Set your own pace, or aim for the prizes. Navshield is a navigation event run each year to allow clubs and rescue organisations to test their navigation skills. Entries have to be a couple of weeks before the event, so contact me if you can\'t find a team. The event will be held at a location within 2 hours drive of Sydney and teams usually arrive on Friday night to set a course. The race starts at 8:30 Saturday morning. Limit: 8. Map: unknown - TBA.

WalkID: 2751
5 Jul (Wed) 2017: SPRINGWOOD (E) Short, easy ride on quiet back streets around Springwood area. Suitable for beginners or returning riders with road or mountain bikes. Limit: 8. Map: Gregrorys.

WalkID: 5036
5 Jul (Wed) 2023: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) Con Hut, Shortcut Track, Wentworth Falls, Kings Table Rd., Lincolns Rock, Rocket point, Undercliff Track, Overcliff Track, Con Hut. Park in the lower car park at Con Hut. Approximately 7k. Bring morning tea. 8.45am for a 9am start. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1424
6 Jul (Sat) 2013: 5 PASSES ON NARROWNECK (H) A PHIL ONLY WALK. From Green Gully, we'll tackle Carlon's Head, then Glen Raphael Head and on to Harmil Ledge, then Dunphys and finally, Taro's Ladders and Duncan's Pass. Exposure and ropework needed. Limit: 6. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 3396
6 Jul (Sat) 2019: BEROWRA WATERS (E, kayak) A slow and leisurely paddle to Crosslands Reserve and back, 10 km with the tide both ways. Suitable for beginners with kayak hire available at the marina. Please bring morning tea, lunch and P.F.D. Limit: 8. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 5052
6 Jul (Thu) 2023: BOWEN MOUNTAIN (E) Great views of the Grose Valley from the "other"(northern) side. Meet in Kurrajong Village 9.30am. Drive to Bowen Mountain, Walk all on track mostly on fire trails.4-5km at an easy pace. Return to the village and for those who are interested visit Virginia's art studio and see how those glass mosaics are made and enjoy a cuppa. Max 8. Bookings essential via website. Prospective members welcome. Limit: 8. Map: Kurrajong.

WalkID: 1352
6 Jul (Sat) 2013: DARKS CAVE/FORTRESS HILL (E-M) A leisurely paced walk on tracks mostly over undulating terrain about 10 klms. There is one 140 metre very steep decent & ascent. Excellant views of the Grose Valley and absolutely the best view of Lockley Pylon. Explore the cliff line south & north below the summit of Fortress Hill including Gorilla Rock & Skull Cave. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3346
6 Jul (Sat) 2019: FIRST AID TRAINING - FAULCONBRIDGE (E, training) What was Senior First Aid - refresher and first timers. Maximum price for club members will be $80, maybe less for walks leaders. One day, there will be an online component to complete before the day. This training has now been finalised, and will be run at Faulconbridge (the community hall) on Saturday 6th July Limit: 18. Map: .

WalkID: 3013
6 Jul (Fri) 2018: GLENBROOK (M) Weeding with Friends of Glenbrook at the National park at Glenbrook. This is a combined SBC and NPWS activity Limit: 15. Map: Penrith .

WalkID: 3676
6 Jul 2020 (Mon) 2020: JULY'S GENERAL MEETING ( ) At Springwood Presbyterian Church hall. Speaker TBD. Supper provided by Rae Gooch and Lyn Clarke Limit: 100. Map: .

WalkID: 1991
6 Jul (Mon) 2015: MEETING Club trips - bring the best photos of a recent club trip (that we haven't seen) to show after supper.

WalkID: 2720
6 Jul (Thu) 2017: MOUNT TOMAH GARDENS (E) Winter at Tomah is not all bare trees; Proteas flower, as do Ericas and Helebores. Also, under the bare trees, Crocus and often early bulbs appear. We'll have a coffee on the terrace, then explore the gardens and rainforest. Bring lunch, as we will also visit Sherwood's Cave Hotel, circa 1831. Limit: 12. Map: Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 5058
6 Jul (Thu) 2023: RICHMOND (E-M, Cycle) Richmond to Windsor. mostly flat, 35km approx. Back roads and cycle paths, suitable for road bikes. Start at Smith Park Richmond. Cycle along Triangle Lane, Powells Lane, Edwards Road, back down Cornwell's Lane Road, behind RAAF base and up Cupitt's Lane then hopefully cycle path into Windsor(due to road closures and crater creations we have to amend part of the route). Morning tea at cafe, then cycle back. Bring lunch to have at Smith Park. Limit: 12. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 3467
6 Jul (Sat) 2019: TESSELATE HILL, MT. IRVINE (M) Pleasant walk through forest to the Tesselated Pavement and some aboriginal carvings. Then walk out along the ridge to a hill, with commanding views. Mostly on track with no huge hills. Limit: 12. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 4641
6 Jul (Wed) 2022: WINMALEE (E-M) An easy half day walk: Approx: 5km: We will walk a fire trail that will descended to a tributary of Fraser Creek. The Fraser Creek Valley has some magnificent trees. In following the fire trail we will pick up the Yellow Rock Creek Trail and follow it to the end. We will return the same way. Bring morning tea. Limit: 14. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2752
6 Jul (Thu) 2017: WOODFORD (M) cycle from Woodford along the Oakes fire trail to Glenbrook. Some steep and rough sections. Distance approx. 30 klm. Bring morning tea and will have lunch in the park at Glenbrook Limit: 15. Map: penrith.

WalkID: 1147
7 Jul (Sat) 2012: BARDENS LOOKOUT CLIMBING CLIFFS, COX (E-M) A leisurely paced walk on historical tracks. Descend a short hill to view stunning cliffs and a large cave very popular with climbers, then return to our vehicles and continue on to Mount York. Walk down Cox\'s Road, the first road across the Blue Mountains then return via Lockyer\'s Road. No bitumen roads or motor cars just fire trails and pleasant bush tracks. The section along Lockyer\'s Ridge is very attractive. Superb views of the Hartley Valley from Mount York. About 10km with 320m descent/ascent. Please phone before 7pm. Limit: 12. Map: Hartley.

WalkID: 3058
7 Jul (Sat) 2018: CONSTANCE GORGE (M) This walk was closed last time, so here's hoping! Along the Tiger Snake canyon track to Deanes Creek, where we enter the Gorge. Dark rainforest and a place of wonder, with time to explore. Some steep bits and some off-track. Limit: 12. Map: Mount Morgan.

WalkID: 1163
7 Jul (Sat) 2012: EXPLORATION OF MT. BANKS (H-Exp) A PHIL ONLY WALK across the face of Mt. Banks. I\'ve heard it\'s possible, but is it a walker\'s pass? Or somewhere only gods can tread? Bring head for heights and a sense of adventure. Some exposed scrambling. Limit: 6. Map: Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 3832
7 Jul (Tue) 2020: FAULCONBRIDGE (E) SPRINGWOOD CREEK. An opportunity to approach Birdwood Gully from a different direction. Walk down a track at the end of Lindsay Road (off Chapman Parade), walk up Springwood Creek to Birdwood Gully. Return to Chapman Parade via a different track. Limit: 10. Map: Google.

WalkID: 2367
7 Jul (Thu) 2016: GLADSTONE PASS AND GLADSTONE MINE (H-Exp) We've been here before, but I'm keen to look for the winding wheel from the ropeway to the mine, which is rumoured to be still in the valley. Steep off-track with lawyer vines. Sounds good!! Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2433
7 Jul (Thu) 2016: GLENBROOK (E-M) Meet at Glenbrook car park, near station at 9.30am. Wind through Emu Plains and Penrith industrial area to the whitewater centre for morning tea. Then to the regatta centre for a couple of loops to add some distance to our short ride. Return the same way back to Glenbrook for lunch. Total distance about 40klms. Road tyres appropriate as all in sealed roadway. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2642
7 Jul (Fri) 2017: GLENBROOK (M) Weeding in Glenbrook section of Blue Mountains National Park at Euroka may go down to Fern Glen on the river. Need food and water for the day tools supplied Limit: 15. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 3048
7 Jul (Sat) 2018: GROSE RIVER YARRAMUNDI (E-M, kayak) A leisurely paddle up the Gross river and return from Yarramundi, some shallow rapids and fast flowing water. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 8. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 3106
7 Jul (Sat) 2018: LOCKLEYS PYLON AND DU FAURS BUTTRESS (E-M) (E-M) A leisurely paced walk on tracks to one of the best lookouts in the Mountains. About 8km with one short 80 metre descent & ascent. The plateau is exposed in windy weather so there is a need to be prepared for that possibility. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba. Paul D 0407113806 pdaley48@gmail.com Meeting Details:Meet at the beginning Of Mt Hay Rd near Leura Public School at 9.30 am of walk: Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1653
7 Jul (Mon) 2014: MEETING Epic New Zealand - a report from Fiordland, helicopters, weather and magnificent scenery. Frank

WalkID: 4651
7 Jul (Fri) 2000: OLYMPIC PARK (E-M, Cycle) Starting near Parramatta Park we will ride along the Parramatta river to Sydney Olympic Park Wharf for morning tea, ride into and around Bicentennial Park and the Brickpit, then head back toward Parramatta for lunch (probably at small cafe behind the Wharf). This is a shortened version of our normal route to avoid all the lights and hill near Westmead Hospital.At present weather forecast is not promising but may improve. Limit: 12. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 1185
7 Jul (Sat) 2012: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) INDUCTION AND WALK. For anyone who wants to become a full member. Walk the National Pass and Valley of the Waters after the INDUCTION TALK. About 5km. RING TO CONFIRM. Limit: 12. Map: KATOOMBA.

WalkID: 4293
7 Jul (Wed) 2021: WOODFORD (E-M) Suspended due to covid. An easy half day walk: Aprox.5km: From the NP gate along Murphys Fire Trail to a rock cave. Morning tea on a rocky outcrop above the cave, then a tour of Linda Rock on our way back to the cars. Bring morning tea. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2681
8 Jul (Sat) 2017: BEST OF BALMAIN (E) An easy-paced walk along the historic foreshores to Birchgrove, then along the Parramatta R. to Rozelle and back through Balmain, where we'll find a pub for lunch. Limit: 10. Map: Sydney.

WalkID: 211
8 Jul (Wed) 2009: Lindeman Pass-Roberts Pass (M, M) Starting at Wentworth Falls if Lillians Bridge is open, if not at Leura. Descending into the valley via Roberts Pass then onto Lindeman Pass, Leura Forest and up the steps of the Federal Pass. Lots of step work in this walk, but great views as the reward distance about 12km. A car shuttle will be required. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4650
8 Jul (Fri) 2022: MAGDALA CK, SPRINGWOOD (E-M) Victoria Falls Rd is still closed, so we will move our walk to Magdala Ck. We’ll leave a car at the end of Yondell Ave then drive to Picnic Glen. It’s about 3.5km walk down the creek to Glenbrook Ck. We’ll assess walking up Glenbrook Ck to Wiggins Track exit (2km) and taking this moderately steep exit to Yondell Ave. If Glenbrook Ck looks to difficult due to flooding, we’ll return up Magdala Ck a short way and exit via the shortcut up to Yondell Ave fire trail, about 2.5km gently undulating, back to the car. Limit: 10. Map: Springwood .

WalkID: 3097
8 Jul (Sun) 2018: NAVIGATION PRACTICE 1 (E-M, off track, scrub) Want to learn more about navigation? Bring a compass (map supplied) and learn how to navigate without a GPS (but we'll have one, just to check how good we are). We'll start on the Blue Gum Swamp area - and won't cover more than 5 km. You should be back just after lunchtime (unless we get lost of course!). Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 5011
8 Jul (Sat) 2023: NAVIGATION TRAINING - BELL (E-M, off track) Learn how to use a compass and map in the bush. Map supplied but you'll have to beg, borrow or bring your own orienteering compass. Start near the truck checking station at Bell, follow a couple of ridges and creeks to an amazing area of pagodas and creeks that we've found on a previous trip. The area was burnt two years ago, so scrub is growing back but not too bad. We should finish mid-afternoon. Maximum up and down is about 170m, distance about 5-6km. Beginners OK, or come along if you can navigate and want some practice. It's an interesting area anyway. Limit: 10. Map: Mount Wilson, Wollangambe.

WalkID: 3848
8 Jul (Wed) 2020: SPRINGWOOD (E-M) A half day circuit walk in Birdwood Gully: Buttenshaw Park and Birdwood Gully are the headwaters of Springwood Creek. We will follow Springwood Creek to a side creek with a pool and water fall 4km approx. If time permits we will go on to Springwood Cemetery, adding another 2km approx. to the walk, making the total distance 6k approx. Then return via Birdwood Gully to our cars, completing the circuit. Limit: 10. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 3849
8 Jul (Wed) 2020: SPRINGWOOD (E, CYCLE) (E) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2738
8 Jul (Sat) 2017: WENTWORTH FALLS TO GLENBROOK (H, MTB) Ride the Anderson fire trail to Woodford 30 km. Then the option of riding the Oaks fire trail to Glenbrook 30 km. Limit: 8. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 5041
8 Jul (Sat) 2023: WINDSOR TO CATTAI (H, kayak) Windsor to Cattai National Park and return 28km with the tide both ways.Please bring morning tea, lunch and P.F.D. Limit: 8. Map: Wilberforce.

WalkID: 938
9 Jul (Sat) 2011: ): MARRAMARRA NP (M) This walk was originally postponed from the 5/7/2011 Our Green Gully 9/7/2011 planting activity has been canceled. We have decided to put this activity on to make up for cancelations. A 14km tracked walk out along Coba Ridge to Collingridge Point and return. Great views of the Hawkesbury from our lunch spot. Limit: 8. Map: Cowan.

WalkID: 2311
9 Jul (Sat) 2016: CATHEDRAL CAVE-GARDENS OF STONE N.P. (M) Out near Birds Rock a disected area of slots, creeks and some amazing caverns. Not a long walk, but spectacular. No tracks and some rock scrambling. Bring your spirit of adventure!!! Limit: 12. Map: Cullen Bullen.

WalkID: 926
9 Jul (Sat) 2011: GREEN GULLY (E) Tree and native vegetation planting. This is an ongoing activity that has involved members of the club over the past years. We have been planting, protecting and maintaining an area of degraded land near Dumphy’s car park and camp ground. The area has magnificent views. The work is worthwhile and contributes to the club’s profile with the National Park. You will need to bring work gloves food drink etc. Limit: 0. Map: Jenolan.

WalkID: 1628
9 Jul (Wed) 2014: IRONPOT MOUNTAIN/IRONMONGER SPUR (E) A leisurely paced walk on tracks and through trackless open forest, about 5 kl with one very steep hill, then glorious views of the Wild Dogs Range, the Kanangra area and the Megalong Valley. View axe sharpening grooves, rock orchids and of course Ironpots, please phone before 7:00pm. Limit: 12. Map: Jenolan.

WalkID: 3850
9 Jul (Thu) 2020: LEURA MOUNT HAY (M-H) Leura(MTB) Cycle from Leura Primary School along Mount Hay Road to the end. 13km total, bitumen then 10km recently graded dirt road. Mountain bikes needed. Plenty of hills! Bring morning tea. Return same way and cycle to Wentworth Falls for lunch, cafe or in the park. 30-35km return. Train to Leura or start from the Primary School. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood .

WalkID: 5037
9 Jul (Sun) 2023: LINDEN - NAV RECKIE (M, off track, scrub) Half day navigation practice and a bit of a reconnaissance. From the locked gate on the Linden fire trail, follow a ridge north to see where it goes (yes, the map will tell you). This is a walk to check out suitability for a navigation course closer to Springwood. I expect participants to provide the nav, so it's an opportunity to practice. Scrub and rock scrambles included. We should be back at the cars by 12:30. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood, Katoomba.

WalkID: 4589
9 Jul (Sat) 2022: LIONS HEAD AND RETURN (M) Uneven pad out to The Head, but amazing views of Jamison Valley and Mt. Solitary. We'll walk in from Double Hills at Went. Falls and make time to check out some art sites. Limit: 12. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 834
9 Jul (Sat) 2011: LOCKLEY PYLON/DU FAUR BUTTRESS/BLUE GUM FOREST (M) Drive to The Pinnacles Car Park, then an easy paced walk over undulating ground to Lockley Pylon for superb views of the Grose Valley, followed by a steep descent to the Blue Gum Forest. Long slow plod back up to Lockley Pylon, then back to the cars. THIS WILL BE A LONG DAY so bring plenty of water. Do not sign up for this walk if you are not used to climbing a long, extremely steep hill. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba and Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 902
9 Jul (Sat) 2011: MOUNT SOLITARY TRAVERSE (H-Exp) A PHIL ONLY WALK! Look for Coal Miner's Pass, then home via the Goat Track. A long, hard day with some rock scrambling, scrub and lawyer vines. Some trackless sections, so only for the fit, fearless and crazy!!! Limit: 5. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 3476
9 Jul (Tue) 2019: MOUNT WILSON WANDERS (E) 2 short walks, all on track, with a good quality forest and luxuriant fern growth. Bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 12. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 3459
9 Jul (Tue) 2019: NEPEAN RIVER PENRITH (M, Kayak) Morning paddle to Euroka and return 12 km. Please bring morning tea finish before lunch. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2012
9 Jul (Thu) 2015: WOODFORD (M, MTB cycling) Woodford - The Oaks Fire Trail and on to Glenbrook. About 30 km on dirt and gravel trail with some short steep hills so mountain bike with wide tyres essential. Bring good protective clothing, water and morning tea & should be back at Glenbrook by lunch time so BYO or lunch in a caf? of choice. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 4611
9 Jul (Sat) 2022: YELLOW ROCK AND WINMALEE RIDGE BRIDAL TRACKS (M, Steep some scrub) Follow the recently rediscovered bridle track from Yellow Rock Lookout to the track running along the Nepean. Ascend to Winmalee Ridge by following and tracing another old bridle trail which seems to have been recently converted into a bike track. Spend a bit of time exploring extensive western facing rock outcrops for signs of cultural features. 7km with a steep rocky descent and ascent. Mostly on track. Car shuffle required. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2402
10 Jul (Sun) 2016: FAULCONBRIDGE LINDEN EXPLORE (M-H-Exp, Scrub, Cliffs?) Take the Jennings Track from Faulconbridge, then down Linden Creek to the first tributary to the West. Visit the previously discovered Big Tree, Cave House and skirt the waterfall alcove. Explore upstream looking for heritage shelters and visiting the four creek junction bowl. Make our way up the NW rainforested arm onto Linden Ridge and search for the track to the old dam in a clearing. Then explore possible art sites on the small peak which the old track skirts. Return via fire trail and the Jennings track. Approx 6km with 2km off track. Two 150m climbs. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 891
10 Jul (Sun) 2011: KAMARAH GULLY (M-Exp) Upper Grose Valley. Great views. Explore good canyon section with dry feet. Off track. Short car swap. Follows route in book by Michael Keats. Book after June 29. Limit: 8. Map: Mt Wilson.

WalkID: 1353
10 Jul (Wed) 2013: LAPSTONE ZIGZAG (E) A leisurely paced walk on tracks & firetrails. Visit Lennox & Knapsack Bridges and admire the superb stonework. Wander through forests and gaze across the Penrith Plains. About 12 klms with 250 metres ascent & descent. Limit: 16. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 477
10 Jul (Sat) 2010: MOUNT SOLITARY (E-M, E-M) Commence the walk at the Golden Stairs and descend to the Federal Pass then stroll through delightful forests to the foot of the Koorowall Knife Edge. Scramble up the Knife Edge to the start of the summit plateau where we shall lunch. This will be a long day so BRING PLENTY OF WATER. Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba and Jamison.

WalkID: 629
10 Jul (Sat) 2010: MT. SOLITARY (M-H) From Kings Tableland down to Kedumba valley. Ascend Mt. Solitary (approx 600mts). Descend via Koorowall Knife Edge past the Ruined Castle and back to cars up the Golden stairway. Car shuffle required. PHONE ONLY PLEASE Limit: 8. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 4227
10 Jul (Sat) 2021: NEPEAN RIVER TO WARRAGAMBA (H-VH, kayak) Suspended due to covid. A 40 km return kayaking trip from Penrith to the base of the Warragamba Dam. Early start and late finish. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 3060
10 Jul (Tue) 2018: SHORT WALKS AT MT. WILSON (E-M) Waterfall Walk and Happy Valley are 2 of the delightful short walks in this area. Bring a camera, as fungiis and ferns abound. We'll stop at a café for morning tea, but bring lunch. Limit: 12. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 3492
10 Jul (Wed) 2019: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 10. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 4191
10 Jul (Sat) 2021: WHALE WATCHING IN BOTANY BAY N.P. (M) Suspended due to covid. Kamay has historic sites, unique flora and a rugged coastline that looks out to deep water, where whales cruise past in winter. We'll walk from Botany Bay to Cronulla, stopping at the whale watching centre in the hope of seeing whales. Limit: 12. Map: Kurnell.

WalkID: 3477
11 Jul (Thu) 2019: BARNICLES TO BELL (M-H-Exp) Now we've been to the Barnacles, I'd like to explore down to the Wollangambe and up to Pagoda 994. Return via the Wollangambie Crater Track. 15klms. Limit: 8. Map: MT. WILSON and WOLLANGAMBE.

WalkID: 2423
11 Jul (Mon) 2016: BLACKHEATH (M-Exp) Walk from Ridgwell Rd to Burra Korain Head and return. I look for a possible route down into Victoria Ck. Limit: 8. Map: Mount Wilson.

WalkID: 3510
11 Jul (Thu) 2019: BURRAGORANG LOOKOUT (E-M) Cycle from The Oaks village to Burragorang Lookout along Burragorang Road through Oakdale and Nattai. Bring morning tea to have at the Lookout. Return along Burragorang Road to Oakdale, then south down Bakers Lodge Road to Mowbray Park, then north along Montpelier Drive back to the Oaks for lunch in the village. Road bikes, about 35kms. Limit: 15. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 1148
11 Jul (Wed) 2012: EVANS CROWN (E) A leisurely paced walk on tracks and through trackless open forest, about 6km with 200m ascent/descent. Scramble about on huge granite boulders, visit caves and meander through superb forests. This second visit to this location is to accommodate members who are unable to walk on Saturdays. Lunch at Tarana Pub or bring your own to eat outside the pub. Phone before 7pm please. Limit: 12. Map: Tarana.

WalkID: 1951
11 Jul (Sat) 2015: EXPLORE BALMAIN (E-M) Steep back streets, tiny houses, quiet local wharves, harbourside mansions and heaps of old pubs with atmosphere. Soak up the history as we stroll around Balmain to finish at Birchgrove. Approx. 10klms. Fish and chips, or a pub meal for a late lunch. Limit: 10. Map: Sydney Gregorys.

WalkID: 352
11 Jul (Sun) 2021: KARIWOGA RIDGE (M, E-M) Suspended due to covid. Kariwoga Ridge runs off the Faulconbridge Point Fire trail. It features excellent views of the Grose Valley and a very special saddle for lunch. Replenish visitors book. This walk is particularly flat but has long fire trail sections. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood .

WalkID: 2408
11 Jul (Mon) 2016: MT CLARENCE (E-M) 7 peaks in 7 days -The ultimate challenge We propose to summit 7 local peaks in seven days. The walks are mostly on tracks and are E-M to M grades. Day 2 Mt Clarence. On this walk we will look at an interesting aboriginal art site as well as visit some places with great views over Hartley. This walk is all tracked and an E-M grade. A 50 peaks walk. Limit: 8. Map: Map Lithgow. Peaks bagged: 1

WalkID: 3853
11 Jul (Sat) 2020: NEPEAN RIVER (H, Kayak) 24km return from Tench Reserve to Erskine Creek. A long paddle up a beautiful section of the Nepean River at a moderate pace, but with time to take in the bushland riverbank along the way. Own kayak and PFD required. FULL Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 288
11 Jul (Sat) 2009: Noble Canyon - Glow Worm Tunnel (E, E) Morning wander through Noble Canyon, and in the afternoon we'll go through the Glow Worm Tunnel where a torch is absolutely essential. Limit: 12. Map: Cullen Bullen.

WalkID: 2011
11 Jul (Sat) 2015: VICTORY TRACK (E-M) Training walk for Larapinta - yes, this has changed - it used to be Mt Mouin - we'll do that later this year, as an overnight to Splendour Rock. This walk starts at Faulconbridge, and we'll walk straight through to Martin's Lookout, enjoying the rainforest along the way. If you still need more walking at the end, we'll head up to Lost World Lookout before the other hill to Martin's lookout. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood, Penrith.

WalkID: 4285
11 Jul (Sun) 2021: ZORRO CANYON (M) Suspended due to covid. 4kms round trip. Short dry canyon, could get wet feet. 2-3 abseils up to 40 meters plus a tricky climb down.Exit up another canyon.Nice pagodas on the way out. Must have own gear. Rope fee apllies Limit: 8. Map: Cullen Bullen.

WalkID: 2409
12 Jul (Tue) 2016: MT PORTAL (M) 7 peaks in 7 days -The ultimate challenge We propose to summit 7 local peaks in seven days. The walks are mostly on tracks and are E-M to M grades. Day 3 Mt Portal Today we will leave our cars at the entry gate and descend to Glenbrook Creek and ascend Mt Portal via the Abseilers Track. We will then continue onto Euroka Clearing and return via the foot track to the causeway and then up the road to the gates. This walk is all tracked and is a medium grade. A 50 peaks walk. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith. Peaks bagged: 1

WalkID: 1670
12 Jul (Sat) 2014: CONSTANCE GORGE- DEANE'S CREEK (M) Out on Newnes Plateau, park at the Old Coach Road. In via Tiger Snake Track; pagodas, lush rainforest and views into Newnes Valley. Some on track and rock scrambling. Limit: 12. Map: Mt.Morgan and Ben Bullen.

WalkID: 2683
12 Jul (Wed) 2017: EXPLORING AT MT. GALAH (M-H-Exp) Nearby, there are some large sandstone caves and amazing coachwood forests, plus The Garden of Eden; another dimension to Rocky Creek. No tracks, but plenty of excitement. Limit: 8. Map: Mt. Morgan and Rock Hill.

WalkID: 4998
12 Jul (Wed) 2023: GLENBROOK AREA (E-M) Once again a slow walk and a later start, from Glenbrook Information Carpark, we will walk up to the the old railway tunnel down the old railway track, and down to Knapsack Bridge and up to middle points, we will then walk pass the RAAF base and to the start. Bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 628
12 Jul (Mon) 2010: GLENBROOK NATIONAL PARK (E-M) Walk out to Euroka, then across to Camp Fire Creek and Red Hands Cave, then to the cars at Glenbrook Creek. On tracks, but could be a rough track to Camp Fire Creek. Limit: 12. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1684
12 Jul (Sat) 2014: LEURA (E, E-M) Induction Talk & Walk. The compulsory induction talk for prospective members, followed by a pleasant walk on some of the lesser known tracks between Leura Cascades and the Three Sisters. Full members welcome to join the walk. 8-10km. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba..

WalkID: 3859
12 Jul (Sun) 2020: LOCKLEYS PYLON (E) One of the best tracked walks in the blue mountains, and one of the small group of walks that are open at the moment. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba, Mount Wilson.

WalkID: 3826
12 Jul (Sun) 2020: LYCON PLATEAU CREEKS POST-FIRE (E, scrambling) Re-scheduled because of Mt Hay roadwork. A return to this unexplored area north and east of the Lockley's Pylon track. From the high point on the track, follow a low ridge to the north east, investigate a creek running from a huge hanging swamp, continue on to Walford Walls for some spectacular views. If we have time on the return, investigate why there is a tree with yellow paint at the start of Walford Creek. Easy walking, but you will pick up a bit of charcoal off the scrub Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba, Mount Wilson.

WalkID: 1672
12 Jul (Sat) 2014: SLACKS STAIRS/WENTWORTH PASS (E-M) A leisurely paced walk on tracks, descend the Grand Staircase to Slacks Stairs and continue down to the foot of Wentworth Falls, then traverse across the hillside to the Valley of the Waters. We pass enchanting waterfalls as we slowly plod up many steps back to our vehicles. About 9 kl with around 700 metres of descent and ascent, phone before 7:00pm please. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2756
12 Jul (Wed) 2017: SPRINGWOOD (E) Short, easy ride on quiet back streets around Springwood area. Suitable for beginners or returning riders with road or mountain bikes. Limit: 8. Map: Gregorys.

WalkID: 3125
12 Jul (Thu) 2018: SPRINGWOOD (M) Mountain bike ride Springwood to Grose Head South: Springwood, Hawkesbury Road, Halcyon Ave, Grose Head South lookout, down Bees Nest Hill into Bluegum Swamp, Winmalee, Springwood. Meet 9 am small park near Springwood Station. Limit: 16. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 5050
12 Jul (Wed) 2023: SPRINGWOOD (E-M) A half day circuit walk in Birdwood Gully: 6 km approx: Buttenshaw Park and Birdwood Gully are the headwaters of Springwood Creek. We will follow Springwood Creek to a side creek with a pool and water fall 4km approx. We will then go on to Springwood Cemetery, adding another 2km approx. to the walk. Then return via a loop up Birdwood Gully Creek to our cars, completing the circuit. Bring morning tea. Limit: 16. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 594
12 Jul (Mon) 2010: SURVEY BRIEFING NIGHT WENTWORTH FALLS This is a briefing night being held for those who have volunteered to do the survey on the Federal Pass and Kedumba Pass, on the 17TH July & 18th September. Chris Banffy will explain to us what he requires us to do. It will be held at our place at Wentworth Falls, at 7.30pm. Please advise if coming.

WalkID: 1958
13 Jul (Mon) 2015: BEROWRA (M) Berowra Stn to Mt Kuringai Stn via Cowan Creek - OPAL CARD friendly, a 9.5km one way walk along the foreshore winding on and out of bays with views. Limit: 10. Map: Berowra.

WalkID: 1645
13 Jul (Sun) 2014: BLACKHEATH (M) Jugglers Canyon. Great dry canyon, 4 or 5 abseils up to 20 meters. If you\'re good you can keep your feet dry. Exit up Grand Canyon and then an old tourist track to Point Pilcher - so 2 canyons for the price of one. Must have own gear including helmet and some abseiling experience. Rope fee applies. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 893
13 Jul (Wed) 2011: FAULCONBRIDGE (M) A mid-week version of the walk Jeanette led in April going down a little-used track, past aboriginal carvings, through a beautiful creek to the Victory Track. Then up Numantia Falls to see - hopefully - remains of old roads, steps and the ruins of Eurama [Weemala]. A fascinating walk right on our doorstep. Some bushbashing. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 3844
13 Jul (Mon) 2020: FAULCONBRIDGE (M) Rainbow Cave down to Clarinda Falls on the Victory Track and return the same way. Lovely short morning walk down an unnamed creek near Faulconbridge Station with some aboriginal rock carvings, an amazing, huge, colourful sandstone cave, a beautiful waterfall for morning tea and a very pleasant creek. Hopefully the floods won't have damaged the creek too much. Probably less than 3 km. Limit: 15. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2755
13 Jul (Thu) 2017: GLENBROOK (M, Bike Ride) Cycle to the Nepean River Castlereagh for morning tea and back to Glenbrook for lunch 50 km Limit: 16. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1437
13 Jul (Sat) 2013: GREEN GULLY (E) This is an activity run by NPWS. Tree and native plant planting.This is an ongoing activity that has involved members of the club over the past years. We have been planting,protecting and maintaining an area of degraded land near Dunphy's car park and camping ground. The area has magnificent views. The area is worthwhile and contributes to the club's profile with National Parks.You will need to bring work gloves,food and drinks. Limit: 0. Map: Jenolan.

WalkID: 4648
13 Jul (Wed) 2022: HAZELBROOK (E-M) A half day circuit walk at South Hazelbrook: 5km approx: From Lake Road Hazelbrook to Bedford, Lester and an unnamed pool in Bedford Creek. Then back up Bedford Creek to Willawong Pool where Lawson Creek joins Bedford Creek then back to Terrance and Victor Falls in Terrance Falls Creek, from there to Adams Lookout and the cars in Lake Road. Bring morning tea. Limit: 14. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2410
13 Jul (Wed) 2016: MT TOWNSEND (M) 7 peaks in 7 days -The ultimate challenge We propose to summit 7 local peaks in seven days. The walks are mostly on tracks and are E-M to M grades. Day 4 Mt Townsend. The walk today is nearly all off track. After leaving Bob Turners Track we head along the ridge to Mt Townsend where we will get great views over the Colo river. Return the same way. This walk is medium grade. A 50 peaks walk. Limit: 8. Map: Mountain Lagoon Colo Heights. Peaks bagged: 1

WalkID: 1354
13 Jul (Sat) 2013: NATIONAL PASS (E-M) A leisurely paced walk on tracks. One of the iconic walks of the Blue Mountains, we wander through superb forests and admire enchanting waterfalls, about 6 klms with 400 metres descent & ascent. Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2399
13 Jul (Wed) 2016: PANTONEYS CROWN (H) A 50 PEAKS WALK!!! An isolated mesa in the Capertee Valley, Pantoneys is cliff-rimmed with only 2 ascent points. Both have some exposure and steep cliff scrambling. Great views and a pagoda paradise at the summit. 300 metres ascent/descent. We are able to access through private property!!! Limit: 8. Map: Ben Bullen. Peaks bagged: 1

WalkID: 5069
13 Jul (Thu) 2023: PENRITH WHITE WATER (E-M) Bike ride: start at White Water centre, ride to Cranebrook Rd then Church Lane and back roads to Devlin Rd and the river. Then Devlin Rd and Nutt Rd to Londonderry. Optional 10 km loop Corrington Rd, Bennett Rd, Blacktown Rd etc back to Londonderry. From there back on Nutt Rd thru the bush to Tadmore Rd, Cranebrook Rd and White Water. All can be done on road bike, but the 1.4 km of bush might be challenging. Bring snack for river stop. Cafe at Londonderry. Total distance including optional loop 45 km. Limit: 16. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 5038
13 Jul (Thu) 2023: POPE'S GLEN- GOVETTS LEAP - BRAESIDE WALK, BLACKHEATH (E-M) A leisurely paced walk on tracks with superb views of the Grose Valley. We will walk down Pope's Glen and then walk to Govett's Leap. After seeing the new lookout we will return to Blackheath township via the Braeside Walk. 9km return, about 200m down and up. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba and Mount Wilson.

WalkID: 4661
13 Jul (Wed) 2022: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Short cycle on quiet local streets approximately 15 -20 kms. No real hills. Please advise your riding experience on booking if you have not ridden with me before. Limit: 10. Map: Springwood Street Map.

WalkID: 1418
13 Jul (Sat) 2013: THE CLIFFS OF CARNE CREEK (Exp) An exploratory walk on Newnes Plateau, overlooking Carne Creek. There are several major caves in the area, maybe as many as 10. Time to visit Michael's Chair and other exciting places found by Michael Keats in his 3rd Garden of Stones Book. No great ascent/descent. Limit: 10. Map: Rock Hill.

WalkID: 5389
13 Jul (Thu) 2023: WINDSOR TO CATTAI (H, kayak) Windsor to Cattai National Park and return 28km with the tide both ways.Please bring morning tea, lunch and P.F.D. Limit: 8. Map: Wilberforce.

WalkID: 3108
13 Jul (Fri) 2018: WINDSOR TO WISEMANS FERRY (H, kayak) Third leg of a series of paddles over the coming months. Sackville Ferry up to Caradon Park and then down to Pacific Park and return (Approx 22 km) Limit: 8. Map: Lower Portland and Gunderman..

WalkID: 3468
13 Jul (Sat) 2019: WOLLANGAMBE WILDERNESS (M) Exploration from the centre of the universe! Some interesting ridges, studded with pagodas. Limit: 10. Map: Wollangambe.

WalkID: 2442
14 Jul (Thu) 2016: CABRAMATTA (E) Cycle from Prospect to Cabramatta and return approx. 45 klm mostly on cycle ways. Bring morning tea and we will have lunch at a good cheap Vietnamese restaurant approx. $10. Limit: 20. Map: street directory.

WalkID: 549
14 Jul (Wed) 2010: DEVIL'S HOLE/NELLIES GLEN (M) An old historic walk that the miners used. Steep, but all on track. Beautiful forest scenery. Slow plod out; snail's pace for Bastille Day. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4585
14 Jul (Thu) 2022: GORDON FALLS (M) Down to Pool of Siloam, then on to Sublime Pt. This track has just been reconstructed, with great views over the Jamison Valley. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2411
14 Jul (Thu) 2016: GROSE HEAD SOUTH (E-M) 7 peaks in 7 days -The ultimate challenge We propose to summit 7 local peaks in seven days. The walks are mostly on tracks and are E-M to M grades. Day 5 Grose Head South. Today we will walk along Shaws Ridge and then drop down into Blue Gum Swamp. We will then ascend Grose Head South via Bees Nest Hill. Our return will be via Blue Gum Swamp. This walk is tracked all the way and is an E-M grade. A 50 peaks walk. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood. Peaks bagged: 1

WalkID: 273
14 Jul (Tue) 2009: Heathcote National Park (M-Exp, M-X) Note: TUESDAY MID-WEEK WALK We will leave from Glenbrook at 9am so as to miss the peak hour traffic. The leader has not been to this park before. Walk will be approx 11-13 kms and will be mostly on tracks. Limit: 8. Map: Royal National Park Tourist Map.

WalkID: 3833
14 Jul (Tue) 2020: LAWSON (E) DANTES GLEN AND FAIRY FALLS. Circular walk via Dantes Glen, Fairy Falls , St Michaels Falls, Empire Pass, Frederica Falls. Walk down a mossy creek to 2 lovely falls and then open forest to Frederica Falls. Half day walk. Limit: 10. Map: Google.

WalkID: 1451
14 Jul (Sun) 2013: LOWER BREAKFAST CREEK, GLENBROOK (M-Exp) Off track amble to investigate the lower reaches of Breakfast Creek. We will be exploring the wet schlerophyll forests for signs of koalas. The Australian Geographic reckons this is where koalas were last sighted in the Blue Mountains. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1162
14 Jul (Sat) 2012: MALAITA PT. TO RUINED CASTLE VIA THE CABLEWAY (M-H) When mining was big 100 years ago, a rope-way connected the mines to Katoomba; now it lies rusting in the valley, with much of the artifacts still visible. No track, some steep scrambling with a 400 metre ascent/descent. In via Furbers and out via Golden Stairs. A very interesting day!! Book reference: \"Burning Mists of Time\", Hammond and Pell. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1183
14 Jul (Sat) 2012: MT MOUIN (M) GREEN GULLY TO MT MOUIN RETURN VIA MEDLOW GAP: This is a longish day but easy walking as most of the walk is along the fire trail. Approx 17km. 250m ascent to Mt Mouin. Fantastic views. Limit: 12. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 4652
14 Jul (Thu) 2022: OLYMPIC PARK (E-M, Cycle) ride amended to River Loop Penrith and Regentville in view of heavy coastal rain Starting near Parramatta Park we will ride along the Parramatta river to Sydney Olympic Park Wharf for morning tea, ride into and around Bicentennial Park and the Brickpit, then head back toward Parramatta for lunch (probably at small cafe behind the Wharf). This is a shortened version of our normal route to avoid all the lights and hill near Westmead Hospital.At present weather forecast is not promising but may improve. Limit: 12. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 3059
14 Jul (Sat) 2018: THE CLIFFS S. OF MT. VICTORIA (M-Exp) If you've crossed the mountains by train, no doubt you've gazed at this area and wondered! Come along and find out; rainforest gullies, cliff-top views, pagodas, caves and lots more. Not a long walk, just adventurous. Off-track! Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3098
14 Jul (Sat) 2018: VALLEY OF THE WATERS, WENTWORTH FALLS (E) Come on this classic walk at Wentworth Falls and experience rainforest, a 1896 iron bridge, waterfalls, a hanging swamp and panoramic vistas. Suitable for prospectives, run in conjunction with Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre. Limit: 15. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1149
14 Jul (Sat) 2012: VICTORY TRACK, FAULCONBRIDGE TO SPRINGWOOD (E-M) A leisurely paced walk on tracks wandering through beautiful forests, then a steep slow plod out to Springwood. About 10km with 400m descent/ascent. Bring plenty of water. Phone before 7pm please. Limit: 16. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2412
15 Jul (Fri) 2016: RILEYS MOUNTAIN (E) 7 peaks in 7 days -The ultimate challenge. We propose to summit 7 local peaks in seven days. The walks are mostly on tracks and are E-M to M grades. Day 6 Rileys Mountain. Today we will start our walk at The Rock Lookout and then we will then walk to Rileys Mountain where we will get great views over the Nepean. We will return the same way. This walk is tracked all the way. A 50 peaks walk. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith. Peaks bagged: 1

WalkID: 4638
15 Jul (Fri) 2022: GLENBROOK (M) KNAPSACK RESERVE, GLENBROOK 8.30-4.30. A BMCC remote bushcare activity. Following on from the 2021 bushcare activity in the northern sector of this magnificent reserve, we will be heading to the southern sections from the water tanks on Old Bathurst Rd. Off-track work in shale sandstone transition forest with lots of Grey Gums, Ironbarks and Ochna... we will also be on the look out for other weeds like Lantana and African Olive. A medium level of fitness is required. To register for this activity please contact the BMCC Bushcare Officer Steve Fleischmann at sfleischmann@bmcc.nsw.gov.au or on 4780 5623?.Steve is not in the office all the time so please book in well before the date. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 3854
15 Jul (Wed) 2020: HAZELBROOK (E-M) A half day walk: 5km: North Hazelbrook. We will look into The Amphitheatre from the top walls surrounding it, then return to the track to Burgers Falls then return via the falls in Hazelbrook Creek, Lena, Lyrebird,Horseshoe then The Glow Worm Nook series and back to the cars. Bring morning tea. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1168
15 Jul (Sun) 2012: KATOOMBA (E) An easy family walk suitable for children. Walk down the Furber Steps and see the middle and bottom of Katoomba Falls. Great views and forest. Explore the bottom of the Scenic Railway. Rainforest walks and coal mining history before ascending with the railway. Less than 4 km depending how much exploring we do. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4982
15 Jul (Sat) 2023: NAVSHIELD (E-M-H-VH-Exp) Apologies - Navshield registration closed early and we've missed it. However, this is a great way to practice your navigation skills. Put the date aside and plan to join us next year. Held in 2023 in the Goulburn River National Park. Register your interest by joining this activity, we aim to have more than one team this year. And not ALL teams have to run! Registration with Navshield is also required, and is not open yet. Team size 2-4 people. You will need to be at the starting site by 6pm the Friday before, set up camp, pick up maps and spend some time mapping points and setting a possible route. The event starts the next morning. There is a one day and a two-day event, same set of points. The one day usually finishes just after dark. The winner is the team that has collected the points that add up to the highest tally (ie the harder points, like mountain tops, are worth more). There is usually catering available for Saturday night dinner. Limit: 10. Map: TBA.

WalkID: 5063
15 Jul (Sat) 2023: NEPEAN RIVER CASTLEREAGH (E, kayak) An easy and leisurely paddle exploring the waterways around Castlereagh. Please bring morning tea, lunch and P.F.D. Limit: 12. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 3110
15 Jul (Sun) 2018: NORTH RICHMOND (M, kayak) Kayaking from North Richmond towards Windsor and return. 15 plus km depending on the conditions on the day. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 8. Map: Kurrajong.

WalkID: 3857
15 Jul (Wed) 2020: SPRINGWOOD (E, CYCLE) (E) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills. Limit: 8. Map: s, Springwood.

WalkID: 3099
15 Jul (Sun) 2018: SUNDAY MORNING STROLL - WINMALEE (E) Short walk amongst the Blue-Gums at Winmalee. A slightly different route to last time, because I now have the map! An amazing diversity of scenery and you can do your shopping at Coles on the way home. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2682
15 Jul (Sat) 2017: TESSELATED PAVEMENT AND BEYOND (M) Starting at Mt. Irvine, we'll head out on a track to the Pavement, then walk along the ridge as far as possible. Great views into Wollongambe Country and Bowen Creek. Some off-track. Limit: 12. Map: Wollongambe.

WalkID: 4258
15 Jul (Thu) 2021: WATER NYMPHS DELL (M) Suspended due to covid. A short walk to a fern-filled valley with a waterfall. Some steps! Morn. Tea at Mountain High Pie beforehand. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4614
15 Jul (Fri) 2022: WEBSITES AND APPS FOR LEADING WALKS Friday night after dinner, about 90 minutes learning how to use Avenza maps for bush navigation and maps.me as a track finding backup. Also learn about Six maps for planning walks and google earth for portraying routes and elevation profiles. Held in private home using screen sharing to project phone images onto modern TV set. Bring your phone loaded with the Springwood 1:25,000 toposheet in Avenza maps. Preference given to leaders and active club members. Map: Springwood

WalkID: 898
16 Jul (Sat) 2011: 4 PASSES AND A MINE (M-H) Starting from Valley of the Waters, then along Robert's Pass to Gladstone, where we'll look for the Gladstone Mine. Check out the beautiful stone work of this Pass before heading along Lindeman Pass to the base of the cliffs underneath Sublime Point. Copeland Pass will take us up through the cliffs, where there will be some rock scrambling. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4596
16 Jul (Sat) 2022: BEROWRA WATERS (H, kayak walk) Paddle past Crossland's Reserve towards Galston Gorge, with the tide both ways 20km, with a 6km walk on the Great North Walking track to reach the Gorge. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 8. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 4620
16 Jul (Sat) 2022: BOUDDI NP - INTRO WALK AND TALK (E) One of the most beautiful walks I know with huge variety. After enjoying views over Broken Bay and down the coast and walking through wonderful Angophra and Cycad forests, we head down to Maitland Bay through almost pristine rain forest, to explore the amazing rock colours and shapes at one end of the beach. Then proceed over the headland along the cliff edge tracks, all safely fenced, past a magic tessellated payment, around another headland with incredible rock colours and shapes before ending at Putty Beach for the walk, via a nice track, back to the cars. Or wait on the beach for a pickup if drivers will oblige. About 10km round walk mostly on well-made tracks with a few slightly rougher sections. Limit: 15. Map: Bouddi.

WalkID: 2364
16 Jul (Sat) 2016: CELESTIAL CAVES NO. 3 (M) Yes, the third attempt, but this time we've done a reccy, so we know it's a goer!! From Deane's Siding, we'll head East into the wonders of Henry Creek and Pagoda Heaven. Plenty of time to enjoy the caves; they are BIG!! Some off-track and rock scrambling. Limit: 12. Map: Cullen Bullen.

WalkID: 3787
16 Jul (Thu) 2020: CENTENNIAL GLEN-FORT ROCK-WALLS LEDGE (E) An interesting circuit walk with lots to see. On tracks, with some steps. Limit: 10. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 4590
16 Jul (Sat) 2022: CROSSING BLUE MOUNTAIN CREEK (M-H) This is a cross country walk involving a steep descent and ascent, though mostly rock scrambling, so not too hard on the knees. From Lawson, we'll walk out past Blue Mtn. Trig, then descend into the Creek. We'll explore the area before heading up a spur to Somme Ave. in Went. Falls. 7klms. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 920
16 Jul (Sat) 2011: MOUNT SOLITARY (E-M) Commence the walk at the Golden Stairs and descend to the Federal Pass, then stroll through delightful forests to the foot of the Koorowall Knife Edge. Scramble up the Knife Edge to the start of the summit plateau where we shall lunch. This will be a long day, so bring plenty of water. Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba and Jamison.

WalkID: 2413
16 Jul (Sat) 2016: MT YORK (M) 7 peaks in 7 days -The ultimate challenge We propose to summit 7 local peaks in seven days. The walks are mostly on tracks and are E-M to M grades. Day 7 Mt York The final conquest! Today we will go down Cox’s Road and return via Lockyer’s Road. All on tracks but some steep bits particularly going down. Grade Medium Come and join in the adventure and the challenge! A 50 peaks walk. Limit: 8. Map: Hartley.

WalkID: 4550
16 Jul (Sat) 2022: NAVSHIELD (E-H-Exp, Navigation) Looking for a team for the 1-day event. Anyone crazy enough to enter the two-day, let me know! Navshield returns in 2022 on the 16-17th July in the magnificent Tarlo River National Park. This is a rarely visited location which normally has no public access. We have arranged special access for this event with NPWS and local landholders so you'll have a rare chance to explore this hidden gem . This has been cancelled for the last two years. This is an excellent opportunity to practice navigation. You can go at the pace of your team, you don't necessarily aim to win! Limit: 15. Map: tarlo.

WalkID: 2022
16 Jul (Thu) 2015: PENRITH (E-M) Cycle from Glenbrook to the Nepean River then onto the White Water stadium for morning tea. After morning tea cycle over to the Regatta centre then onto Lewers Gallery for lunch and then return to Glenbrook a distance of approx. 50klm. Mostly road riding and cycle paths. Limit: 12. Map: penrith Limit: 12. Map: .

WalkID: 4612
16 Jul (Sat) 2022: SOUTH SPRINGWOOD CULTURAL WALK (M) Walk is now FULL. This walk encompasses the best cultural features of Springwood, discovered over many years of local exploration. Descend Sassafrass Gully and view the stone ruins, and try to decipher the runes of Paddy's grave, check out Stratton's amphitheatre and the 90 year old stone cross. Then along the Victory track and more rainforest track walking to Numantia Falls. Later we will browse the excellent and unique art gallery. Thence following traces of track to the saddle to view Kangaroo iconography, then down the Sassafrass knife edge spur to savour its overhangs. On the way out we will follow Sassafrass Creek and visit the Perch Ponds, Magdala Falls and re-discover the forgotten steps of the old Yondell linking track. Approximately 10km with two 200 m ascents and descents. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 3870
16 Jul (Thu) 2020: SPRINGWOOD (H) Mountain bike ride Springwood-SunValley, along fire trail to Warrimoo, down the concrete hill, through to Blaxland Winniecoopa Road, finish at Blaxland railway. One big hill - you can walk if you can't ride it. Bring morning tea. Start Manners Park Springwood, near rail station 9:10 Limit: 16. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 3063
17 Jul (Tue) 2018: BURRA KORAIN RIDGE- VIC. FALLS (M-H-Exp) Walk down Burra Korain Ridge, check out the head, then down a gully to Victoria Creek in the vicinity of Silver Cascades, then up the Victoria Falls Track. Mostly off-track; car shuffle needed! Limit: 8. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 630
17 Jul (Sat) 2010: Grand Canyon Blackheath (E-M) Do\'nt miss this chance to see the Grand Canyon as it has only been reopened temporarily until National Parks receive more funding. Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 519
17 Jul (Sat) 2010: KATOOMBA AREA (E, E, Volunteer) For those who put their name down as a volunteer to help NPWS survey walkers in these vicinities here is your chance. Base of Golden Stairs, Scenic Railway, road junction of Kedumba Pass (experienced walkers needed here) and STP access Road. Teams will be made up of 2 but as it will be a long day so we are hoping to break the time into 4 hour lots. This means we need 16 people for the 4 venues. Supplies for the day are provided by NPWS. Food, ID shirts, first aid kits etc. For more info phone Gail. Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 302
17 Jul (Fri) 2009: Lower Blue Mtns (M, M) This walk will take in the general route taken by one of the successful groups from SBC in last weekend’s Nav Shield. We will avoid most of the hard checkpoint deviations, but might make a few excursions to give you a feeling for the nature of the challenges faced. This should be an interesting walk for those who have heard of the Nav Shield but have never participated. It is mostly on level tracks, with some small tough sections. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 4198
17 Jul (Sat) 2021: MEGALONG LEDGES-BLACKS LADDERS (M) Suspended due to covid. From the Hydro, we'll access a ledge system that takes us all the way to Elphinstone Plateau and Blacks Ladders. Some exposure and fern swimming; views and pristine vistas all day! Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2407
17 Jul (Sun) 2016: MT HAY AND BOORANG CRAGS (M) 7 peaks in 7 days -The ultimate challenge We propose to summit 7 local peaks in seven days. The walks are mostly on tracks and are E-M to M grades. Day 1 Mt Hay. Today we will ascend Mt Hay and the continue onto Boorang Crags where we will get great views over the Grose River. This walk is only tracked to Mt Hay This is a 50 peaks walk. Limit: 8. Map: Mt Wilson Katoomba . Peaks bagged: 1

WalkID: 4299
17 Jul (Sat) 2021: NEPEAN RIVER CASTLEREAGH (E-M, kayak) Suspended due to covid. A 15km paddle exploring down the river to Yarramundi and return. Some fast flowing water and portage required. Please bring morning tea, lunch and P.F.D. Limit: 12. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 4640
17 Jul (Sun) 2022: PATERSON HILL - GROSE RIVER (H) Start at Vale of Avoca Lookout, Grose Vale. We will then descend via The Wire Track, which is a scramble with ledges but somewhat on track, down to Grose River. From here we will cross Burralow Creek and continue upstream towards Cabbage Tree creek, before heading up to the summit of Paterson Hill, 200m. Return the same way. Great views, mostly off track. Limit: 8. Map: Kurrajong.

WalkID: 3493
17 Jul (Wed) 2019: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 10. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 5057
18 Jul (Tue) 2023: BLACKHEATH (M-Exp) POSTPONED: LEADER SICKWalk from Blackheath Station to Fairfax Track, Cliff Top Track, Grand Canyon back to Blackheath Station via Braeside Trail. Approx 15 kms, about 257 elevation gain. It's an out and back, up and down. Expect stairs. Slightly exploratory... I would appreciate if someone in the group had a plb with them on the trip. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 225
18 Jul (Sat) 2009: Blue Gum Forest/Pierces Pass (M, M) A slow paced walk on tracks. A very steep descent to the Blue Gum Forest then follow the Grose River for a couple of hours to the junction of the track to Pierces Pass. Rock Hop across the Grose River and plod slowly up a steep hill to our cars. Do not sign up for this walk if you are not used to climbing a long steep hill. Bring plenty of water. (Car Pooling) Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3516
18 Jul (Tue) 2000: BOARS HEAD ABSEIL (H) A short version for a short winter's day. 3 abseils and a scary traverse through the Head. Abseil gear, plus helmet and $5 rope fee applies. Bring lunch! Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3837
18 Jul (Sat) 2020: LANE COVE TO FIGTREE BRIDGE (M, kayak) Paddle from the Lane Cove to Figtree Bridge and return 15km with the tide both ways. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 8. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 212
18 Jul (Sat) 2009: Lawson-Dantes Glen-Empire Pass-Frederica Falls-Law (E, E) We shall do the induction course first at the parking area in the shellter shed and then the walk after,this is a very pretty walk about 7km all up with water falls and a view. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3739
18 Jul (Sat) 2020: LOOKOUTS OVER NEPEAN GORGE (M) Quiet area, with river views and wildflowers. No huge hills. Visit Rileys Mountain, Mulgoa Trig and The Narrows Lookout. Approx. 13km, on track. Limit: 12. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 4206
18 Jul (Sun) 2021: LYCON PLATEAU PHOTOGRAPHIC EXPLORATION (E-M-Exp) Suspended due to covid. Starting from the pinnacles we will search the heathy crests and hanging wetlands of this interesting area. Expect to photograph magnificent ironstone formations backdropped by the cliffs of the upper Grose valley. No big hills but approx 6km of off track walking. Lots of variety. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3126
18 Jul (Wed) 2018: SPRINGWOOD (E) VICTORY & SASSAFRAS GULLY TRACKS.(E) A classic walk from Faulconbridge to Springwood. Car shuffle. Bring a thermos and something for morning tea. A half day walk. Limit 12. Map Springwood. Andy C. 47587787. macandy@iprimus.com.au Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 3130
18 Jul (Wed) 2018: SPRINGWOOD (E) Beginner/returning rider cycle on quiet local back roads around Springwood. Limit: 8. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 1206
18 Jul (Wed) 2012: THE TESSELLATED PAVEMENT [Mt Irvine] (E) A leisurely paced walk on tracks through forests to an area of stunning tessellated rock. After lunch we shall attempt to explore the area below the tessellations that should provide excellent views of cliff faces. About 5km (depending on how far we explore) with no significent hills. Limit: 12. Map: Wollangambe.

WalkID: 3522
18 Jul (Thu) 2019: TOONGABBIE SCHOFIELDS (M) BIKE RIDE - A 5 hr circuit utilising the new Metro Train (Norwest to Rouse Hill) some cycleways and a few back roads suitable for road bikes. Morning Tea in Rouse Hill and bring Lunch to have in a Park. Limit: 15. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1664
19 Jul (Sat) 2014: BLUE GUM FOREST (M-H) Via Du Faurs Buttress. The iconic forest at the junction of the Grose and Govetts Creek is worth the steep descent. Time to enjoy the forest before returning. Limit: 10. Map: Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 1673
19 Jul (Sat) 2014: BLUE GUM FOREST (M) Slowly descend the Docker Buttress to the Blue Gum Forest. As Pieces Pass is currently closed we can not do the classic traverse this year. Instead we shall spend about three hours just wandering and resting in the Blue Gum Forest area before returning to our vehicles back up the Docker Buttress. The climb up the Docker Buttress will be a very slow plod so don\'t sign up for this walk if you want to rush up. Limit: 12. Map: Mount Wilson & Katoomba.

WalkID: 2023
19 Jul (Sun) 2015: BLUE GUM SWAMP (E-M) Sunday morning leg stretch - a 7km loop around Blue Gum Swamp near Winmalee, this will be paced so we'll be back by lunchtime. Another training event for Larapinta, but all welcome. All on track and no huge hills. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 3856
19 Jul (Sun) 2020: BONNIE VALE - RECKIE (M-H-Exp, scrub) Find a route around the basin, Bonnie Vale. Off track, exploratory and we don't know what we'll find. Limit: 5. Map: Royal National Park.

WalkID: 2650
19 Jul (Wed) 2017: GLENBROOK (E) Week 8 of Plant propagation course at Glenbrook NPWS nursery run by TAFE need food and water for the day. Please note change of date Limit: 15. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 636
19 Jul (Mon) 2010: GRAND CANYON (E-M) Now the canyon is open again, we will walk in at Neates Glen through the Grand Canyon and out at Evans Lookout. Limit: 15. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1288
19 Jul (Sat) 2013: KATOOMBA (M) Boars Head Abseil. Best bolted abseil route in the mountains. 5 pitches up to 40m plus a scary traverse through a crack. We will rig a safety line for the traverse. Must have some abseiling experience and have own harness and helmet. Rope fee applies. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 5062
19 Jul (Wed) 2023: LINDEN (E-M) A half day walk on Linden Ridge: 8km approx: Linden Ridge to 4th Kings Own Regiment rock engravings and Aboriginal sharpening grooves and the Echidna Train rock. We will look at the ruins at an old private Sydney school property that was there before it became National Park. Morning tea will be on a rock platform with westerly views to Mount Twiss and northerly views into the valley of Dawes Creek and Dawes Ridge beyond. This is a great winter walk. Most of this walk is on an unsealed road, so will suit the use of umbrellas, if you are that way inclined bring your brolly. Also bring morning tea. Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 267
19 Jul (Sun) 2009: Lithgow (E-M, E-M) Train trip to Lithgow. Visit Lithgow Court House (circa 1890), walk across impressive Hassans Walls, great views, lunch in private garden in Valley of Clwydd, follow pagoda ridge to Clarence & Zig Zag tourist railway. Limit 15. Dep Springwood 7.10am, arr Lithgow 8.44am. Dep Zig Zag 3.41pm, arr Springwood 5.05pm. Limit: 12. Map: Lithgow.

WalkID: 2723
19 Jul (Wed) 2017: LOCKLEYS PYLON AND YARDLEY CAVE (M) We will head out along the Lockley's Pylon track and then walk off track a short distance to the historic Yardley Cave where we will have lunch. The return walk is about 8kms with great views all day. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3128
19 Jul (Thu) 2018: WINSTON HILLS AND STANHOPE GARDENS (M) BIKE CIRCUIT No. 11 - Old Windsor Rd, Stanhope Gardens, Castle Hill, Winston Hills A 5 hr circuit suitable for all bikes following back roads, smooth dirt tracks and cycleways. Morning Tea at a Cafe and bring Lunch to have in a Park Limit: 15. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1420
20 Jul (Sat) 2013: BLUE GUM FOREST VIA LOCKLEYS PYLON (M-H) Classic winter walk to the iconic Blue Gum. Time to enjoy the forest, before returning the same way. Ascent/descent 600 metres. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba and Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 3539
20 Jul (Sat) 2019: CURRA MOORS TO WATTAMOLLA (E) Starting from the Curra Moors carpark, walk downhill through coastal Angophora forest and then heath with glimpses of ocean views, until we meet the coast track just north of Garie. We’ll follow the coast track north, taking in some stunning coastal scenery, Curracurrang and Curracurrong (one of them has a secret pool, the other a waterfall and EagleHead Rock). We’ll keep an eye out for whales. Return to Wattamolla via Providential Point (named by Flinders when he took refuge in the bay on one of his voyages). We’ll leave a car (or organise a pickup) at Wattamolla. Forecast is for a perfect weekend. Limit: 12. Map: royal national park.

WalkID: 3469
20 Jul (Sat) 2019: FAIRY BOWER-COXS CAVE-KINDEREN TRACK (M) A look back into the past. In the 1920's an incline railway was built to extract shale for ballast on roads. This is a pleasant ferny walk to the shale mine, mostly on tracks, with good views and history thrown in. Limit: 10. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 5071
20 Jul (Thu) 2023: M7 MARSDEN PARK KELLYVILLE RIDGE (M) BIKE RIDE No.34 A 5hr circuit on cycleways and back roads with Morning Tea at a cafe and lunch at the famous Ettamough Pub ( my favourite is meatballs and mash potato with gravy - hopefully still on the menu) Limit: 15. Map: Google maps.

WalkID: 3397
20 Jul (Sat) 2019: MOONEY MOONEY TO BAR ISLAND (M, kayak) Kayaking from Mooney Mooney to Bar Island and return, with the tide both ways. We will then go on to the shipwreck of the H.M.A.S. Parramatta if conditions are favourable 18 km return. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 8. Map: Cowan.

WalkID: 646
20 Jul (Tue) 2010: NEWENS (M) A day walk to Gooch's Crater. A pleasant day walk. We will meet from the Zig Zag railway parking area and drive out to the start of the walk. We will view the "crater" from one of the viewing points and then drop down to an extensive over hang and Aboriginal site. This will be a quick walk we will not have time to explore further areas. Limit: 8. Map: Wollangambe.

WalkID: 1355
20 Jul (Sat) 2013: PAGODA TRACK/GLOW WORM TUNNEL (E-M) A leisurely paced walk on tracks & firetrails, about 12 klms with 300 metres of descent & ascent. Stroll through open forests with splendid views of Pagodas and sweeping views of the Wolgan Valley. At the western end of the Glow Worm Tunnel we shall take a short detour into a pleasant canyon then walk through the Glow Worm Tunnel WHERE A TORCH IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL. We then traverse over a hill to reach the final steep uphill section back to our vehicles. This event is dependent on 4x4 or Suburu vehicles. Limit: 12. Map: Cullen Bullen & Ben Bullen.

WalkID: 4666
20 Jul (Wed) 2022: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Short cycle on quiet local streets approximately 15 -20 kms. No real hills. Please advise your riding experience on booking if you have not ridden with me before. Limit: 10. Map: Springwood Street Map.

WalkID: 2768
20 Jul (Thu) 2017: WENTWORTH FALLS (M, cycling) Wentworth Falls - McMahons Point. Cycle to Kings Tableland on good cycle paths, then gravel roads to McMahons Point. Low hills only, about 50 km return. Pick up coffee first at the Falls, then bring morning tea, and lunch to have at the lookout. Mountain bike tyres preferred. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba - Jamison.

WalkID: 4654
20 Jul (Wed) 2022: WINMALEE (E-M) An easy half day walk: Approx: 6km: We will walk a fire trail that will descended to a tributary of Fraser Creek and follow the creek. The Fraser Creek Valley has some magnificent trees. We will cross Fraser Creek and pick up the Yellow Rock Creek Trail and follow it to the end. If we cannot cross Fraser Creek because of high water we will return by ascending a spur to a high plateau with views and an interesting walking track that will return us to the cars. Bring morning tea. Limit: 14. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 572
21 Jul (Wed) 2010: BRUCE'S WALK PART 2 (M) Wentworth Falls to Meadlow Bath & Grand Canyon if open. This is the second stage of this historic walk, with creek crossing and ridges to go up and over. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2445
21 Jul (Thu) 2016: FAULCONBRIDGE POINT (M-H) Ride from Grose Road to Faulconbridge Point morning tea at the lookout then return to Springwood Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 1151
21 Jul (Sat) 2012: IRONPOT MOUNTAIN/IRONMONGER SPUR (E) A leisurely paced walk on tracks and trackless open forests in the Megalong Valley. About 5km with 200m ascent/descent. Fabulous views of the Wild Dogs Range & the Kanangra area. Interesting rock formations, axe sharpening grooves, rock orchids and lots more, plus of course Ironpots. Phone before 7pm please. Limit: 16. Map: Jenolan.

WalkID: 1169
21 Jul (Sat) 2012: STANWELL PARK (E-M) Meet at the station to do the Wodi Wodi track which starts behind it. Great rainforest and coastal views. Also some railway history. 7kms. Option to stay at my sister\'s right on Lake Illawarra with Mountain views where I\'ll be house sitting and join me for Sunday\'s walk. Limit: 12. Map: Book - Walks in the Illawarra.

WalkID: 3055
21 Jul (Sat) 2018: THE SPHINX TRACK (M) The Sphinx Track leads to Warrimoo Track, then on to Cowan Creek and Bobbin Head. We'll return to Wahroonga, via the Gibberagong Track. Tidal Creeks, rainforest and some coastal scenes; approx. 11klms. Limit: 12. Map: Sydney.

WalkID: 3812
22 Jul (Wed) 2020: MEDLOW BATH (M-H) Exploring the tracks near the Hydro Majestic. We will be doing a car swap if the lock down restrictions allow. If not it is a longer walk. There are great views and mild exposure in the upper section of the walk. Some interesting historic steps along the way. We will walk below the cliff line and descend to Megalong Valley via the gently descending Valley Farm track. Near the landslide we will descend off track which is fairly easy to the Blackheath Glen Reserve in Megalong Valley. Now if there is no car swap we have to walk back up. Once on top we will walk along the cliff top Via the Glen Rosa track and then up to the Hydro and back to the cars. Details of the walk will be sorted closer to the event Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1170
22 Jul (Sun) 2012: NOWRA (E) Two easy walks in the Nowra area. The Bomaderry Creek Walk is a circuit up and down this creek with lovely rainforest, trees and rocks - 5kms. Then do some walking along the north side of the Shoalhaven River with distance depending on time. Very pretty area. Option to combine with my Wodi Wodi track walk and spend Sat night at my sister\'s on Lake Illawarra. Limit: 12. Map: Book - Walks in the Shoalhaven .

WalkID: 5034
22 Jul (Sat) 2023: SECRET CRAG RD -CARNE CREEK CLIFFS (M) Walk down through the cliffs via a narrow pass, sidle around to look at some of the large overhangs and admire the views. Return by second gully and so called "shovel cave". Some rock scrambling will be required and it is all off track. If this all takes too short a time we might tack on the dry canyon further down the road Limit: 8. Map: Cullen Bullen.

WalkID: 2005
22 Jul (Wed) 2015: TRAVERSE OF THE GODS (M-H) A walk across the face of Mt. Banks. 300 metres up and 200 metres down! Not as hard as it sounds, although there are a couple of tricky bits and some exposure. I've still got some more research to do, hence the trip. Limit: 8. Map: Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 4259
22 Jul (Thu) 2021: VICTORIA FALLS AND SILVER CASCADES (M) Suspended due to covid. Not a long walk, but there are steps. We'll take our time and stop for morn. tea at the Cascades. Limit: 12. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 3858
22 Jul (Wed) 2020: WINMALEE (E-M) A half day circuit walk into the Blue Gum Forest: 8km approx: Shaws Ridge and return via Blue Gum Swamp Creek Track. Ring morning tea. Limit: 10. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2749
22 Jul (Sat) 2017: WISEMANS FERRY (H, Kayak) Paddle along the Hawkesbury River, Webbs Creek, Doyles Creek and return, 25 km. Experienced sit in kayakers only. Bring morning tea, lunch and P.F.D. Limit: 8. Map: St Albans.

WalkID: 4591
23 Jul (Sat) 2022: BATTLESHIP TOPS (M-H-Exp) We'll do some more exploring in this area on the Eastern side of Kings Tableland using our previous knowledge. Limit: 12. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 835
23 Jul (Sat) 2011: BLUE GUM FOREST/PIERCE'S PASS (M) An easy paced walk on tracks. A very steep descent to the Blue Gum Forest, then follow the Grose River along a roller-coaster track for a couple of hours to the junction of the track to Pierce's Pass. Rock hop across the Grose River and plod slowly up a steep hill to our cars. Do not sign up for this walk if you are not used to climbing a long, steep hill. This will be a long day, so bring plenty of water. CAR POOLING!!! Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3745
23 Jul (Thu) 2020: BRIDGE-BRIDGE (E) Emu Plains to Penrith; a classic fitness walk along the Nepean River; approx. 6klms. on level ground. Historic buildings, Old Wool Store and more, with morning tea to start and lunch by the river at the finish. Limit: 12. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1674
23 Jul (Wed) 2014: EVANS CROWN (E) A leisurely paced walk on tracks and through trackless open forest, about six kl with around 200 metres of ascent & descent. Scramble about on huge granite boulders, visit caves and meander through magnificent forests, just wander where it looks interesting. Lunch at Tarana Pub or bring your own to eat at tables outside the pub. This second visit is to accommodate walkers that can not walk on Saturdays, please phone before 7:00pm please. Limit: 12. Map: Tarana.

WalkID: 4613
23 Jul (Sat) 2022: EXPLORING NORTH LAWSON (M) WALK IS FULL. NEEDS ALTERNATE LEADER. Starting from the end of San Jose Avenue we will visit Echo Bluff, Fairy Falls, Empire Pass and Fredrica Falls. Off track from the crest of the fire trail to explore base of cliffs across a hanging swamp to the vicinity of the comms tower. Savour the views then along the hanging swamp track to Queens Road Fire Trail. At spot height 691 we leave the track to ascend the ridge - to visit the hopefully still recognisable heart of stone. Back to the fire trail, then more open off-track along a ridge to the Blue Mountain Trig. Return via Binowee Ave and the Hughes Avenue short cut track. 13km with about 11km on track and lots of elevation changes which are generally smaller than 50m. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1993
23 Jul (Sat) 2016: FIRST AID TRAINING Training will be at Faulcombridge, all day, you should be paying your fees and enrolling now. Links and payment details have been sent to all members registered for this course. This is the refresher training for those who did their training in 2013. This is also OK for first timers - ie if you've no previous first aid training.

WalkID: 2033
23 Jul (Thu) 2015: GLENBROOK (M, cycle) Cycle from Woodford to Glenbrook on the Oaks Fire Trail. The trail has been recently graded and is in excellent condition some steep sections and a mountain bike would be preferred .Bring morning tea. Lunch back at Glenbrook Limit: 8. Map: penrith.

WalkID: 4659
23 Jul (Fri) 2021: GROSE RIVER YARRAMUNDI (M, kayak) Paddle up the Gross river and return from Yarramundi, some shallow rapids and fast flowing water. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 8. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 4627
23 Jul (Sat) 2022: HAT HILL TO BALD HILL, BLACKHEATH (M) CANCELLED - NEW DATE SUN 7 AUGUST - Approx 6km walk from Hat Hill to Bald Hill and return. Spectacular views at the beginning of the walk from Hat Hill. The track goes through open heath and as well as a small forested section. From Bald Hill there are views into the Grose Valley, across to Mt Hay and Mt Banks, as well as Buramoko Head and Hanging Rock. Once back at the cars there is also the option to drive to the end of Hat Hill Road to Anvil Rock, for more spectacular views, and to look at the Wind Eroded Cave. Limit: 12. Map: Blackheath.

WalkID: 934
23 Jul (Sat) 2011: KANANGRA TOPS TO MT. COLBOYD (M) A different view of Kanangra, Pindari Top, Mt. Bugin, Mt. Colboyd. Great views and mostly on track, with a rock scramble to top out on Colboyd. Time to check out Kanangra Walls if desired. Limit: 10. Map: Kanangra and Yerranderie.

WalkID: 3460
23 Jul (Tue) 2019: NEPEAN RIVER PENRITH (M, Kayak) Morning paddle to Euroka and return 12 km. Please bring morning tea finish before lunch. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

Introduction Walk

WalkID: 5045
23 Jul (Sun) 2023: PEGGYS POOL AND THE DENAI (E) Introduction walk, Sunday afternoon, half day. Peggy's Pool has various historic associations, probably none of them correct. Follow the track from Meek's Crescent past Peggy's Pool to a stand of Blue Gums (E.Deanii, hence 'the Denai'). If we have time, follow the RFS trail down to the next falls, Turtle Falls. Return the same way. Children welcome. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 253
23 Jul (Thu) 2009: PROGRAM DEADLINE (E, E) 10/8 to 14/9 Please submit via web site Limit: 8. Map: all.

WalkID: 2363
23 Jul (Sat) 2016: WATERFALLS NO. 5 (M-H) This is a big one!! Wentworth, Hippocrene, Vera, Flat Rock, Lodore and Empress Falls. Down Slack's Stairs to an overgrown and forgotten track; past Hippocrene to Vera Falls. Beautiful rainforest and leaf-covered tracks and a sense of solitude make for a challenging but inspiring day. 650 metres ascent/descent. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4301
24 Jul (Sat) 2021: COLO RIVER (M, Kayak) Suspended due to covid. Paddle the Colo River from Putty Road towards the Upper Colo 15-20km with fast flowing water and portage involved. Please bring morning tea and lunch Limit: 8. Map: Lower Portland.

WalkID: 906
24 Jul (Sun) 2011: COLO RIVER VIA BOORAI RIDGE (M) A day walk in the heart of the Wollemi Wilderness, with the partial aim of checking on the vestiges of a small cape ivy patch for Friends of the Colo. A big day out involving 14kms on track and 500 metres down and up, BUT you get to relax on the river for 2 or 3 hours, and enjoy magnificent views. Return trip from Hollow Rock carpark. Limit: 8. Map: Six Brothers.

WalkID: 4199
24 Jul (Sat) 2021: IRONPOT AND TINPOT (M) Suspended due to covid. Way out on the edge of the Wild Dog Mountains is the Tinpot Range. We'll walk to the crest of the range to experience the wonders of this area; great geology, flora and history, with views all day! Limit: 12. Map: Jenolan.

WalkID: 1356
24 Jul (Wed) 2013: IRONPOT MOUNTAIN/IRONMONGER SPUR (E) A leisurely paced walk on tracks and trackless open forests in the Megalong Valley. About 5 klms with only one steep hill then glorious views over the Wild Dogs Range & the Kanangra area. Interesting rock formations, axe sharpening grooves, rock orchids and lots more, plus of course Ironpots. Limit: 16. Map: Jenolan.

WalkID: 497
24 Jul (Sat) 2010: LION'S HEAD (E-M, E-M) INDUCTION COURSE AND WALK We shall do the course first at Wentworth Falls, then onto the walk. Lions Head is on the Kings Tableland, it provides great views of the Kedumba Valley, the will be a little bit of bush bashing, as well as track walking. So for the new walkers you may need leg protection and gloves. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 564
24 Jul (Sat) 2010: MYSTERY WALK (E-M) No mystery to solve, just an unknown destination. 2 Sugar Loaves, 1 Mount, a river and a waterfall, all with a dash of history. Short distance, some off-track and steep. May get wet feet. Limit: 12. Map: Mystery .

WalkID: 3494
24 Jul (Wed) 2019: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 10. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 4680
24 Jul (Sun) 2022: TARLO NATIONAL PARK (E-M-H, off track) Flag retrieval, to assist SES after Navshield. Tarlo National Park, entrance from Amaroo. Limit: 3. Map: navshield 2022 map.

WalkID: 2319
24 Jul (Sun) 2016: TIGERSNAKE CANYON (M) Superb dry canyon out on Newnes Plateau. Two canyon sections,one being very dark and narrow. Four abseils up to twenty mts,may get wet feet.Must have own gear. Rope fee apllies Limit: 8. Map: Mt Morgan.

WalkID: 478
24 Jul (Sat) 2010: WOLLANGAMBE RIVER (E-Exp, E-X) An easy paced walk on tracks. I haven\'t walked this track but I have a good guidebook so I should not become geographically embarrassed. A steep descent to a beautiful river gorge followed by a slow steep plod back to our vehicles. Bring plenty of water. Limit: 16. Map: Mt. Wilson and Wollangambe.

WalkID: 3131
25 Jul (Wed) 2018: WOODFORD (E) Transit of Venus walk Woodford: Mable, Edith & Hazel Falls. A very nice bush land circuit, approximately 2.5 hrs. We will see the falls when there is a minimum of water flowing over. We will catch them later in the year when they are at maximum flow. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3503
25 Jul (Thu) 2019: BROUGHTONS WATERHOLE-DELANEYS SLAUGHTER HOUSE-SOLD (E) THE FIRST IN OUR SERIES OF THURSDAY SHORT WALKS. Short historic walk past the Toll House on our way to explore some of Mt. Vic's forgotten history. See early roads, colonial infrastructure and the highway tunnel. Limit: 10. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 1978
25 Jul (Sat) 2015: COX'S RIVER SWINGBRIDGE (M) A leisurely paced walk on tracks. Wander firstly through farmland and then through forests dotted with large granite boulders to arrive at the swing bridge. Only one person at a time can cross this 100 metre bridge, we will also look for an alternative ground-level crossing if river level permits. We shall lunch a short distance further then return along the same route. 16 km with one long hill and several short hills. Limit: 10. Map: Hampton.

WalkID: 1976
25 Jul (Sat) 2015: CROOKED CREVISE CANYON (E-M-H, Grade 4) Also known as Penrose Gully.If you were looking for an excuse to go on a diet this is it. Short dry canyon on Newnes Plateau. Very narrow and tight with 3 or 4 abseils up to 20 mts.One hard abseil start.May get wet feet. Must have your own gear including helmet.Rope fee applies Limit: 8. Map: Mt Morgan.

WalkID: 3841
25 Jul (Sun) 2021: ERSKINE CREEK HIGHLIGHTS (ANOTHER ATTEMPT) (M-H, Scrub, Cliffs?) Suspended due to covid. Visit the major features of this iconic walking area. Views, big pools and caves. Jack Evans track to Platypus Loop knoll for visitor book replenishment. Cross Erskine Creek, and hopefully climb the spur to Spot Height 245, or make our way up through the diatreme. Visit the intriguing elbow bend and make our way along Little Crater Ridge and then descend to Dadder Cave to replenish the visitor book. Make our way downstream to the Erskine mega pool and return via the traditional Lincoln and Monkey Ropes Creek rainforest route with further visitor book replenishment at the famous Attic Cave. 8km mostly off track and two 180m and some smaller ascents. Dry weather only. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 3741
25 Jul (Sat) 2020: EVANS CROWN (M) A Nature Reserve to our West, with a granite area of tors. We'll walk up the track and explore this beautiful area; maybe see echidnas. We have seen an Albino one here before; also, some wallabies. Limit: 12. Map: Tarana.

WalkID: 2441
25 Jul (Mon) 2016: HAT HILL, BALD HEAD AND BENNET LOOKOUT (M) Mostly on track, with great views and a fantastic lunch spot. May have time to check out the steam engine, used by the Wallaces in the 1930's. Shortish day. Limit: 10. Map: Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 3847
25 Jul (Sat) 2020: INTRODUCTION WALK AND TALK SASSAFRAS GULLY SPRINGW (E-M) INTRODUCTION WALK AND TALK - Prospective members: This is our introduction to the Club and safe bushwalking practices. This is an easy-medium standard walk through rainforest down Sassafras Gully, to the unnamed pool at the junction of Sassafras and Glenbrook Creeks. Return will be via The Wiggins Track up to Yondell Rd. In all, this is a 5 km walk with 200m descent and ascent with some rough sections of track. The walk will include stops where we will go over items in the introduction course. About 3.5 hours or a little more. Limit: 10. Map: Springwood..

WalkID: 3771
25 Jul (Thu) 2019: NORTH RICHMOND (VH, kayak) Kayaking from North Richmond to Windsor and return. 30 plus km. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 8. Map: Kurrajong.

WalkID: 3132
25 Jul (Wed) 2018: SPRINGWOOD (E) Beginner/returning rider cycle - Springwood – on quiet local back roads about 15 km and no real hills. Limit: 8. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 1953
25 Jul (Sat) 2015: TESSELATED PAVEMENT AND BEYOND (M) An interesting geological feature out from Mt. Irvine is Tesselate Hill. We\'ll follow the ridge beyond to at least Hill 734 for great views into the Wollangambe and Bowen\'s Creek. Some off-track. Limit: 12. Map: Wollongambe.

WalkID: 603
25 Jul (Sun) 2010: WOLLANGAMBE WILDERNESS (M) Watertrough Hill - various ridges - De Faux Creek - Bell\'s Line of Rd. Interesting circuit of rugged country near Mt Wilson, no tracks, tricky navigation (bring your compass). Beautiful scenery. Car shuffle. Limit: 8. Map: Mt Wilson.

WalkID: 3881
26 Jul (Sun) 2020: BLUE GUM SWAMP (E) Sunday morning stroll. Follow the white dots through an amazingly diverse bit of local bush. Start at 9am, should be finished by 12 noon. We might even catch sight of the fabled Leucopogon fletcheri, in flower. Limit: 10. Map: springwood.

WalkID: 1675
26 Jul (Sat) 2014: COXS ROAD (M) Changed to a loop walk around Coxs R and Lockyers Rd near Mt York, as phoned through to Frank Wilkinson 9 am 26/7/14. Limit: 12. Map: Cullen Bullen & Ben Bullen.

WalkID: 1668
26 Jul (Sat) 2014: DONKEY MOUNTAIN (M-H) Not the traverse this time; we\'ll spend time around the Northern End, exploring the maze and canyons. It\'s a kind of Luna Park for bushwalkers. No tracks, some scrambling, steep ascent/descent. Limit: 12. Map: Ben Bullen.

WalkID: 274
26 Jul (Sun) 2009: LAPSTONE ZIG-ZAG RAILWAY PLUS PUB LUNCH (M, M) Some fascinating history here. We meet at Lapstone Hotel, then walk around Glenbrook Lagoon and to Lennox Bridge for an inspection. On to Margy's and Elizabeth lookouts for views of Penrith. Then down Knapsack gully, under Knapsack Bridge and up the long abandoned Lapstone Zig-Zag rail formation. Also view the tunnel that caused a train disaster in the 1920s. Follow roads back to Lapstone Hotel for lunch. Limit: 20. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 3140
26 Jul (Thu) 2018: PENRITH (E-M) Cycle from Glenbrook to White Water area for morning tea then over to the Regatta area and return to the park at Glenbrook for lunch. Approx distance of 45 km. Limit: 12. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 4630
26 Jul (Tue) 2022: SYDNEY HARBOUR (E) Be a Sydney Tourist for a day. Walk from Wynyard Station to the Aquarium at Darling Harbour. (Discover Voucher). Continue along the harbour foreshore and around Barangaroo to The Rocks.Finish the day with a walk across The Bridge to Milsons Point Station. Limit: 10. Map: Google.

WalkID: 5070
26 Jul (Wed) 2023: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) Nature Trail, Wentworth Falls Con Hut, Edinburgh Rock, Lillian's Bridge, Lillian's Glen, Empress Falls, Queen Victoria Lookout, Con Hut. 8.45 for a 9am start. Approx. 4k. Bring Morning Tea. Turn into Falls Rd., Wentworth Falls, follow the road to a tee junction then follow the signs to Con Hut. Meet in the lower Car Park, Con Hut. Any problems Ring Kerren 0410 400 868 Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3543
27 Jul (Sat) 2019: BUTTERBOX POINT EXPLORE - HALF DAY (E) Changed time - leave 10:30 am Springwood, 11am Leura to allow for morning shopping. Explore the spectacular escarpment around the Butterbox Point area. From the carpark, walk down to the exit track to the canyon and return, then possibly to Mt Hay. Not much walking, more exploring and gasping at the view. Back around 3pm. If numbers exceed 4 we need another 4WD vehicle to get to the end of Mt Hay Road. Limit: 8. Map: Mount Wilson.

WalkID: 4668
27 Jul (Wed) 2022: HAZELBROOK (E-M) An easy half day walk: 5km approx: From Hall Parade we will descend a spur on an unsealed road to overlook a northern tributary of Hazelbrook Creek then follow a loop track back up the tributary to Hall Parade. Bring morning tea. Limit: 14. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3513
27 Jul (Sat) 2019: INTRODUCTION WALK AND TALK SASSAFRAS GULLY, SPRING (E-M) INTRODUCTION WALK AND TALK - Prospective members: This is our introduction to the club and safe bushwalking practices. Come on an easy-medium entry level standard walk down Sassafras Gully, along the Victory Track to a creek junction and pool and then back to The Wiggins Track to go up to Yondell Rd - a 5 km walk with a 200m descent and ascent. Rainforest with some rough sections of track. The walk will include stops where we go over items in the introduction course. About 3 hours or a little more. Full members are invited to come along and will be very welcome. Limit: 10. Map: Springwood. Limit: 10. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2448
27 Jul (Wed) 2016: LEURA FAIRMONT RESORT (M) Work on repairing Lindemans "Pass" (actually track). This track runs from the bottom of Roberts Pass for about 6 km to Leura Falls. The Club has adopted it and this is a chance to help restore it. The plan is to go down Roberts Pass and work on the section between there and Gladstone Pass and a bit further on. Remove vegetation that hangs over the track (bring cutting implements). Level the track in places (mattock). Clear slippery leaves (rake). Anyone who doesn't want to walk very far can clear the track between Fairmont Resort and Roberts Pass - it is being overgrown in places. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 5077
27 Jul (Thu) 2023: MULGOA LOOP (M) Mulgoa Loop Cycle. Cycle from Mulgoa Village up Fairlight Road to the Rock Lookout (hills, 3 kms dirt road) for morning tea. Return, exploring along quiet back roads all coming off Fairlight Road. Then cycle around the back of Mulgoa village, finishing at The Bunker Cafe for lunch. Bring morning tea. Around 30km ride for road bikes. Limit: 12. Map: Warragamba.

WalkID: 3470
27 Jul (Sat) 2019: ORONGA RIDGE WALK (M-H) Great views to Mt. Banks and the Grose. Some rock scrambling and exposed ledges. Exciting! Limit: 10. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 1357
27 Jul (Sat) 2013: PORTERS PASS/WALLS/LEDGE/CENTENNIAL GLEN (E) This is my 200th event as a leader, so we shall have a celebratory coffee prior to commencing the walk. A leisurely paced walk on tracks. Splendid views of soaring cliffs along Colliers Causeway and expansive views of the Kanimbla Valley. Visit The Grotto to view a waterfall. Possible close up views of climbers on Walls Ledge. About 8 klms with some small hills. Congrats Phil T - what a leader! [Ed] Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1419
27 Jul (Sat) 2013: ROCK ISLAND (M-H) Out near Deanes Creek the ortho photo shows an isolated pagoda area that Michael Keats called "The Rock Island". We'll attempt to do a circular walk from the Old Coach Road via the Rock Island to the Tiger Snake Track. Some rock scrambling and other challengers. No huge ascents or descents, but no tracks either. Limit: 10. Map: Mt. Morgan.

WalkID: 1710
27 Jul (Sun) 2014: SPRINGWOOD Bushfire R & R. Tony & Jenny thank you for all your support & invite you to join them for a BBQ lunch. Sunday 27th July from 12.30 till 5 pm. Meat and salad provided. BYO drinks. Some chairs would be good. RSVP by Mon 21st July. 17 Valley Road, Springwood. Limited parking in Valley Road - park in Macquarie Rd (walk down Wingara Hamlet driveway 100m ), or Bee Farm Road. Map: Springwood

WalkID: 2394
27 Jul (Wed) 2016: SPRINGWOOD TRIVIA Competition at The Royal Hotel. Come along at 6.30 for dinner and/or 7.30 for the Trivia. Find out how much you do or do not know.

WalkID: 4667
27 Jul (Wed) 2022: SPRINGWOOD (E) Short cycle on quiet local streets approximately 15 -20 kms. No real hills. Please advise your riding experience on booking if you have not ridden with me before. Limit: 10. Map: Springwood Street Map.

WalkID: 916
27 Jul (Wed) 2011: WENTWORTH FALLS VIA VALLEY OF THE WATERS (M) Starting at Wentworth Falls picnic area, then onto Valley of the Waters via the short cut track, visiting all the lookouts on the way, then down to Empress Falls, Sylvia Falls, Lordore Falls and across to Hippocrene Pool and Falls after lunch we shall work our way back up to the base of Wentworth Falls, after this we shall climb up to the slack stairs checking out the new metal ladder on the way, this is were the steel cable use to be. After reaching the top of the falls we will make our way back to the cars. This is about 6km with asccent of 540m. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3141
28 Jul (Sat) 2018: BUTTERBOX POINT EXPLORE - HALF DAY (E) Explore the spectacular escarpment around the Butterbox Point area. From the carpark, walk down to the exit track to the canyon and return, then possibly to Mt Hay. Not much walking, more exploring and gasping at the view. Back just after lunch. If numbers exceed 5 we need another 4WD vehicle to get to the end of Mt Hay Road. Limit: 8. Map: Mount Wilson.

WalkID: 4586
28 Jul (Thu) 2022: KEDUMBA LOOKOUT AND CLEARYS MEMORIAL (M) Firetrail for 2klms. then off to the Lookout and Memorial (off-track). Historic Area with a look at the top of the Goat Track. Limit: 12. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 1152
28 Jul (Sat) 2012: LAPSTONE ZIG ZAG (E-M) A leisurely paced walk on tracks. Visit Lennox & Knapsack Bridges and admire the superb stonework. Wander through attractive forests and gaze across the Penrith Plains. About 13km with 250m ascent/descent. Phone before 7pm please. Limit: 16. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 3875
28 Jul (Tue) 2020: LAWSON (M) A circular walk down to the very pretty Dantes Glen and Fairy Falls. Continue on down the creek to St Michaels Falls and on to Empire Pass and Frederica Falls. Limit: 10. Map: Google.

WalkID: 3478
28 Jul (Sun) 2019: LINDEN RIDGE TWISS BASIN EXPLORE (M-H-Exp, Scrub , cliffs?) From the gates at Linden observatory walk the fire-trail, visiting various rock outcrops, to the basin just south of Mount Twiss. Explore down the valley past the 14m waterfall and then cross the bowl to follow the main ridge to the south, travelling westward and descending to Woodford Creek. The ridge features a prominent rocky turret and the basin may contain occupation shelters. Return via the ridge and fire trail. Limit: 8. Map: SPRINGWOOD .

WalkID: 4682
28 Jul (Thu) 2022: NORTH RICHMOND (M) Cycle ride: North Richmond car park-Grose Vale Rd-Grose River Rd-Grose Wold Rd- Cabbage Tree Rd-Vale of Avoca lookout- return to Grose Vale Rd-Kurrajong-North Richmond via Slopes Rd or other. Morning tea at Avoca lookout, lunch at Kurrajong. Last couple of km to lookout is rough dirt and uphill - either use mountain bike, walk or just don't go that far. Start North Richmond shops carpark 9 am Limit: 12. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 3057
28 Jul (Sat) 2018: PEAKS AND PAGODAS S. OF GARDENERS GAP (M-H-Exp) We'll try and reach the monolith of Gardeners Gap as well as explore the pagodas nearby. Off-track; bring a sense of adventure; approx. 8klms. Limit: 12. Map: Lithgow.

WalkID: 2040
28 Jul (Tue) 2015: PENRITH (M, kayak) Kayak from the boat ramp Tench Reserve Jamisontown up the Nepean River to Erskine Creek and return which is approx. 25klm. Enjoy the peace and quiet of the Nepean gorge before the weather warms up. Please bring a PFD Limit: 8. Map: penrith.

WalkID: 2450
28 Jul (Thu) 2016: PENRITH (E) Cycle from Glenbrook to the Nepean river then onto the White Water stadium for morning tea. After morning tea we will go over to the Regatta centre then return to Glenbrook and have lunch in the park. This ride is on cycle ways and minor roads and a distance of approx. 45 klm Limit: 15. Map: penrith.

WalkID: 1488
28 Jul (Sun) 2013: SUNDAY ARVO STROLL Linden (E) An short easy walk down to a spectacular local swimming hole. Along the way, take note of historic cairn and possible Cox\'s Road remains. We\'ll start after lunch and be back well before 5pm. About 2-3k, on track, less than 100m up or down. A good walk to bring kids/family/friends if you have them. Start and finish at Caley's Repulse in Linden, destination Paradise Pools. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 289
28 Jul (Tue) 2009: Wentworth Falls (M, M) Falls Fitness Walks: 2-3 hours of medium paced continuous walking in the Wentworth Falls area. Most Tuesdays (see program details). All on track, will include steps. 8.30am start. Expressions of interest for first week only...turn up for future weeks. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3047
28 Jul (Sat) 2018: WINDSOR TO WISEMANS FERRY (H, kayak) Fourth leg of a series of paddles over the coming months, starting at lower Portland and kayaking back towards Sackville to best utilise the tides, 20 km return. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 8. Map: Lower Portland and Gunderman.

WalkID: 2747
29 Jul (Sat) 2017: BRIDGE TO BRIDGE (E, Bike Ride) Easy morning ride along the Nepean River all on cycle ways, 7 plus km's. Bring morning tea. Limit: 8. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 2685
29 Jul (Sat) 2017: MT. HAY AND BOORONG CRAGS (M) THIS IS JUDY CHEN'S FAVOURITE WALK!!!Great area for mountain views and early wildflowers, with some rock scrambling. Limit: 10. Map: Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 5064
29 Jul (Sat) 2023: NEPEAN RIVER PENRITH (H, kayaking) A 25 km paddle up to Erskine Creek and return. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 8. Map: penrith.

WalkID: 4260
29 Jul (Thu) 2021: PAGODAS OF MOUNT VICTORIA (M) Suspended due to covid. Hidden away at the head of the Grose River, mostly only seen by locals, there's a collection of pagodas with rock gardens and heaps of views. Mostly off-track. Limit: 12. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 1133
29 Jul (Sun) 2012: PIERCES PASS [BELLS LINE OF RD] TO VICTORIA FALLS (M) Distance 15km; approx. 500m desc/asc. Victoria Falls section of track is in poor condition and a bit of a scramble in places. Approx 5km walking on rough track along Grose River. Longish car shuffle from Bells Line of Road near Mt Banks to Victoria Falls picnic ground [26km]. Limit: 8. Map: Mt Wilson.

WalkID: 5081
29 Jul (Sat) 2023: SOUTH LAWSON (E, steep bits) A pleasant 4-waterfall circuit in south lawson, only 2.5 km, we can plan for a 2-hour walk, including morning tea. Suitable for children, a couple of steep parts. walk in a clockwise direction with a short walk downhill to the cars. The walk starts approx 20 minutes walk from Lawson station. Limit: 8. Map: katoomba.

WalkID: 3889
29 Jul (Wed) 2020: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Cycle on local roads approximately 15km around Springwood area - depending on weather (forecast okay at present) Limit: 8. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 1175
29 Jul (Sun) 2012: SPRINGWOOD: LOST WORLD LOOKOUT (E-M, scrub, scramble) Martins Lookout then Shark Head Cave. Scramble up the natural tunnel then later emerge at lost World Lookout. Return via Bunyan Lookout. A classic lower mountains\' local walk. Approx 10km with 2km off track. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 4642
29 Jul (Fri) 2022: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) A morning walk to visit the "King's Table". We will explore the aboriginal grooves and cave and then follow foot tracks across the valley below to "Podgers" trig for a view. We may visit another viewing spot on the way back. Distance 8km Elevation:70m down, 80m up, 50m down, 40m up. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba, Jamison.

WalkID: 213
29 Jul (Wed) 2009: Wentworth Falls to Hippocrene then Vera Falls and (M, M) This is one of the most beautiful walks in the mountains with lots of waterfalls and so close to home. Has lots of stairs but that is good on a cold day. We we finish with a hot chocolate at the Hut. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3871
29 Jul (Wed) 2020: WOODFORD (E-M) A half day walk: 5km: We will take the Turpentine Track through Murphys Glen to the Bedford Creek Poole and return. Bring morning tea. Limit: 10. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 5078
30 Jul (Sun) 2023: BELLBIRD AND LYREBIRD POINT, MEGALONG (E-M, one steep hill) From Dunphy's carpark, start on the Bellbird Ridge firetrail, then take the turnoff to Bellbird Point for spectacular views and golden wattle arching over the track. Return the same way to the fire trail, and continue on to explore Lyrebird Ridge (no track). Depending on the post-fire scrub, we may or may not get to the end. If we are heading back before 1:30, there is an option to enjoy early afternoon tea at the Megalong valley tea-rooms. Limit: 10. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 271
30 Jul (Thu) 2009: Blue Gum Swamp (M, M) We will do the loop and Beehive Hill (some quite steep) loose gravel in places. Wonderful view at the end. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2043
30 Jul (Thu) 2015: BURRAGORANG LOOKOUT (E-M) Bike Ride- Burragorang Rd from The Oaks uphill to the Lookout, return to include Mowbray Park loop. About 45kms. Road bikes, bring morning tea, shops back at the Oaks for lunch. Limit: 8. Map: Burragorang.

Introduction Walk

WalkID: 5072
30 Jul (Sun) 2023: DUCKHOLE. GLENBROOK CREEK (E) Introductory walk. Sunday afternoon walk down to Glenbrook Creek and junction with Kanuka Brook. Children welcome. Bring swimmers if you fancy a chilly swim. Limit: 8. Map: Glenbrook.

WalkID: 4622
30 Jul (Sat) 2022: EMPIRE PASS INTRO WALK AND TALK (E/M) CANCELLED as it's still closed. See replacement walk. Empire Pass in North Lawson has 4 waterfalls including Dante's Glen but is boggy in a few places at the best of times. About 6km round walk with Echo Point thrown in - not THE Echo Point though sometimes it does produce an echo. When you book in please indicate where you are coming from for carpooling and if you need the intro talk. Limit: 15. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2366
30 Jul (Sat) 2016: GOOLARA PEAK-TINPOT MTN-IRONPOT MTN-COXS RIVER (M-H) A 50 Peaks Walk!! A delightful walk in the Middle Cox Valley. Early European settler's relics and even earlier evidence of the Therabulat Clan. If Ironpot has already been bagged, we'll still have 2 peaks to bag!! Limit: 10. Map: Jenolan.

WalkID: 853
30 Jul (Sat) 2011: KATOOMBA/AERIAL CABLE WAY (H-Exp) We shall start at the Goldern Stairs and then down to the cable ruins, explore around and find the best way out, this is a reckie for a photo survey we may do for National Parks in the coming year. Only experienced OFF TRACK walkers. Gaiters or long pants required. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba/Jamision.

WalkID: 4602
30 Jul (Sat) 2022: LAKE WALLACE, WALLERAWANG (E, Kayak) A slow and leisurely paddle 10km suitable for beginners with time to explore. We will be looking for the Barton Park Cemetery dating back to 1840. This was relocated in the 1970's prior to the lake being flooded for the power station. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 16. Map: Lithgow.

WalkID: 4670
30 Jul (Sat) 2022: LAWSON AND MORE INTRO WALK AND TALK (E) Replacement for Empire Pass. Cancelled. No takers. Do the beautiful, 3km 5 waterfall loop in South Lawson followed by the 3km loop down to Paradise Pool in Linden for those who want more. We will visit the remains of the sream engine that was used to pump water up to the steam trains. We can also visit amazing nearby Kings Cave. This walk was rained out early this month. Limit: 15. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3887
30 Jul (Thu) 2020: OLYMPIC PARK (M) Bike Ride. Toongabbie to Olympic park along the Parramatta River. Return by the same route. Mostly cycle paths with a few quiet roads and a few footpaths on busy roads. 45 km round trip. Morning tea at Parramatta cafe and lunch at Rhodes on Homebush Bay - buy it or bring your own. Limit: 16. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 4592
30 Jul (Sat) 2022: THE FOUR HEADS (M-H) Asgard, Thor, Valhalla and Ikara; an iconic walk at Mt. Vic. Great views all day and mostly on track. Limit: 12. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 903
30 Jul (Sat) 2011: TINPOT HILL/IRONPOT MOUNTAIN/IRONMONGER SPUR (E) An easy paced walk on tracks in the Megalong Valley. Only one short hill and then glorious views over the Wild Dogs Range and the Kanangra area. Interesting rock formations, axe sharpening grooves, rock orchids and lots more. Limit: 16. Map: Jenolan.

WalkID: 1736
30 Jul (Wed) 2014: WOLLANGAMBE WILDERNESS (M) A tracked walk of approx 8kms leaving from Bell and walking to \'the Centre of the Universe\' which is a large pagoda where you get great views over the Wollangambe wilderness. This walk involves about 120m ascent and descent. Limit: 8. Map: wollangambe.

WalkID: 4631
31 Jul (Sun) 2022: BIRDWOOD GULLY (E) Sunday afternoon walk. A loop walk from Chapman Parade Faulconbridge and down into the southern end of Birdwood Gully. Hopefully we will find some unusual fungi to photograph. This can be an Introduction Walk and Talk if needed. Children welcome. Limit: 10. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 627
31 Jul (Sat) 2010: BLUE GUM FOREST (M) This is a great day walk. From the great veiws at Govett\'s Leap take Rodriguez Pass track down to Junction Rock. On then to the beautiful Blue Gum Forest for lunch. Ascend via the steep but insipiring Docker Buttress to Perrys Lookdown. Car shuffle required. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba, Mount Wilson .

WalkID: 592
31 Jul (Sat) 2010: BLUE GUM FOREST & HILARY AND PORIC (M, Walk/Social) A full days walk into the Blue Gum Forest via Perrys Look down come out Govets Leap. Finish the day with a Yuelfest dinner party at Hilary and Poric\'s house, a camp fire to cook all the hot pots. All are welcome even if you don\'t do the walk. Anyone wishing to stay the night, we have lots of room if you don\'t get a bed there lots of matts for the floor. The limit on the walk is 8 but the evening social is unlimited. Limit: 8. Map: Blackheath .

WalkID: 5054
31 Jul (Mon) 2023: BLUE MOUNTAINS NP (M) Early bus from Penrith to Mulgoa. Road walk for four km to Rileys Mountain, then scramble down to the Nepean River, and swim across to the Nepean River Track. Walk up to Euroka Clearing for lunch - I will bring a stove. Bring a dry bag and spare dry clothes. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 4197
31 Jul (Sat) 2021: BRUCES WALK PART 2 (M) Suspended due to covid. Wentworth Falls to Blackheath. Across Mt. Hay Rd. to Minnehaha Falls, then Pt. Pilcher Track to Grand Canyon and Neates Glen. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1358
31 Jul (Wed) 2013: GLASTONBELL (PRIVATE PROPERTY) THE LONG WALK/THE C (M) Spectacular Caves, magnificent forests, the track has not been maintained for five years, so lots of scrambling over & under trees and other bush litter and sometimes navigation is tricky but I have last years walk stored in my GPS. 6:7 klms with 370 metres of ascent & descent, plus this year we have to walk in from the Bells Line of Road, so all up about 9 klms. This second visit is to accommodate members unable to walk on Saturday's Limit: 12. Map: Mount Wilson.

WalkID: 4279
31 Jul (Sat) 2021: LAKE WALLACE, WALLERAWANG (E, KAYAK) Suspended due to covid. This will be an easy and leisurely paddle on the lake. The lake is fed from the Cox's River and also topped up from the Fish River Scheme and Lake Lyell. There are meant to be 180 different species of bird life here. You will need your own Kayak and PFD. Bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 12. Map: Lithgow.

WalkID: 4663
31 Jul (Sun) 2022: MEEKS FALLS INTRO WALK AND TALK (E/M) From behind Faulconbridge School, we'll take an old track down to Peggy's Pool and then continue beside the creek which may be even more washed out than before. This is the medium section. We'll go 1 and a half km further down Meeks Gully, which is actually a lovely open valley with tall Deanei Gums, to the 8 metre Meeks Falls where the creek drops down into a steep gorge. On the way back we'll go up another old track to Shirlow Ave extension. A short car swap is necessary. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 4683
31 Jul (Sun) 2022: MEGALONG VALLEY (M) Coxs River appreciation. Walk the usual section of the Six Foot track from the old Megalong cemetery, down to the swing bridge across the Coxs river. From there follow the track downstream for a km or two and check out the river. Take time for photos and/or thrills on the swing bridge and enjoy the scenery. Return the same way. Meet at the Megalong cemetery 9:30 am. Note: downstream of Swing bridge I intend to follow the track on the eastern side of the river. Limit: 12. Map: Hampton, Jenolan.

WalkID: 490
31 Jul (Sat) 2010: MT. HAY TO MT. BANKS (H-Exp, H-X) A PHIL ONLY WALK. Via Byles Pass to the Grose, then Zobel Gully to Mt. Banks. Is that a challenge or what? It\'s approx. 20 kms. with lots of steep, steep ground, some tricky route finding, scrub and boulder hopping. Will someone commit to this folly? We\'ll need to go hard and fast and make no mistakes. Limit: 4. Map: Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 892
31 Jul (Sun) 2011: REDLEDGE PASS (M-Exp) One of the passes of Narrow Neck. Return via Nellies Glen. Great views. Some off track. Some exposure. Short car swap. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 607
31 Jul (Sat) 2010: SENIOR FIRST AID Springwood - This is a one day course, you must complete online training before the day. Cost subsidised for walks leaders, other members $90 (approx). Our alternate date is the following Saturday - 31/7/2010

WalkID: 3518
31 Jul (Wed) 2019: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills. Limit: 8. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 479
31 Jul (Sat) 2010: THE LOST WORLD (E-M, E-M) An easy paced walk on tracks. Descend Martins Lookout and cross Glenbrook Creek. We shall then detour to visit the rock that has the 23rd Psalm etched on it. Retrace our steps to the track junction and commence the steep climb up to the Lost World where we shall enjoy splendid views whilst eating lunch. Return along the same route. Limit: 16. Map: Springwood.